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    Electric Car and the Environment Essay

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    Imagine never having cars. They have become apart of our lives, the cost and speed of the car used to define the owners social status. They’re a way of describing someone, instead of the way transport was supposed to be.

    Cars make it for a self, private driving experience. The car grew over generations, but the change from the earliest models to the insane cars on our roads today is out of this earth.

    An example is the wheel, which was made first and soon made into what we have today. Cars have changed many ways from the carriages to the fast, complex, and luxury cars that drive our roads now.

    Before Motors were created, humans, oxen or horses had to pull carts on wheels. Finally the internal combustion engine was made. This took out all use of animals for cars, taking away the term, horse power.

    In the time of horse carriages, the amount of pollution made from the horses was to much to force people to invent more efficient ways of transportation.

    America marked a slow start in the motor vehicle invention and remained stuck in the ‘buggy’, making massive strides in the manufacture of different industrial merchandise consisting of watches, typewriters and fire arms at low costs. Its first internal combustion engine car was designed by Charles and Frank Duryea in Massachusetts in 1893.

    The automobile was ran by an engine with a single-cylinder and contained a carburetor and an electric powered ignition. In 1894, the first gasoline car was made by Elmer and Edger Apperson with the usage of the Hayne’s layout.

    The Duryea motor wagon enterprise got into lifestyles in 1895 and specialised in gas motors. Henry Ford first constructed his cylinder engine car in Detroit and registered the Ford Motor Company in 1903.

    Other car builders in the US at some stage in the early stages included, Ransom E. Olds and William C. Durant who founded General Motors in 1908.

    In the 1830s electric failed due to the truth that early batteries had been restricted in their capability to store strength. Because they operated within towns, the motors were quite tremendous given that they did not require to be once in a while refilled with water.

    They may also travel longer distances. However their prominence dwindled in the 1900s as the gain become taken by the automobiles. Other elements that led to the near disappearance of electric powered cars were the enlargement and betterment of roads between cities growing the need for long range automobiles.

    Gasoline availability also intended that gas cars had been simpler to keep than electric vehicles. Another forehead to the electric automobiles turned into the discovery of the electric starter by Charles Kettering in 1911.

    The excellent achievement was an evolution of motors. Previous to this improvement, automobiles powered by way of fuel had been started by a hand crank which was extra dangerous and difficult to use.

    Finally, the initiation of mass manufacturing of cars with the use of inner combustion engine made their availability and affordability possible when as compared to electric powered cars.

    During the years 1911-1960s, there was an entire disappearance of the electrical automobiles. The years between 1960 and 1970 skilled an urge to re-introduce electric cars. This is mainly due to the growth in air pollution because of the inner combustion engine motors and the growth inside the costs of crude oil.

    There many attempts by diverse groups to provide you with electric trucks that might be easy to maintain. Recent trends had been aimed toward producing environmentally friendly automobiles and emphasis has been laid on electric powered automobiles.

    Among some of the modern electric powered automobiles within the market consist of the Tesla, Honda, and numerous models of Audie.

    The demand for electric cars emerged again after the development of power management technologies that gave electric cars advantages over internal combustion cars. Other factors that contributed to the rise in demand of electric cars included a rise in oil prices and the need to conserve the environment by controlling the rate of greenhouse gas emission.

    The main advantages of electric cars over internal combustion cars include reduction of air pollution, low maintenance cost, and reduction of overreliance on oil. The high rate of the depletion of oil reserves has prompted many nations to invest in technologies that use other sources of energy.

    The demand and manufacture of electric cars have grown significantly in past years. However, high costs and the unreliability of batteries discourage many people from embracing electric cars.

    I think that electric cars are good for the environment because they do not produce gases that pollute the environment. Even though their manufacturing process has adverse effects on the environment, their operation does not affect the environment negatively.

    Cars that operate on oil products produce greenhouse gases and other substances that pollute the environment and contribute to global warming. The gases released by internal combustion cars also cause acid rain that has adverse environmental effects.

    I also think that electric cars should be encouraged because they reduce dependence on oil as the main source of energy.

    Electric cars have been in existence for more than hundred years. However, they are not as popular as internal combustion cars. Their manufacture commenced in the 1880s. However, after the development of internal combustion engines, their popularity waned.

    During the energy crises of the 1970s and the 1980s, they regained popularity again.

    However, it was short-lived and did not lead to mass production of electric cars. Currently, their popularity is on the rise due to the instability of oil prices and a high depletion rate of oil reserves. Electric cars are advantageous because they do not produce gas emissions that pollute the environment.

    Opponents have criticized them because their manufacture includes processes that have adverse environmental effects. However, the net effect of manufacturing and using them is lower than that of internal combustion cars.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Electric Car and the Environment Essay. (2023, Jan 14). Retrieved from

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