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    Trading Motorcycle Parts and Accessories Essay

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    As the business continues to expand, the management realized that there’s still a need to improve its service, thus giving more satisfaction not only to their alluded costumers, but to their suppliers and employees as well. At present (cite here the current problem the company experiences with their current way of doing business using manual system. (Presentation of the problem (what the problem is all about). This will indicate what will be covered by the study. The existence of an unsatisfactory condition, a felt problem that needs a solution. Specifically what problems do they experience in the areas mentioned below: using in flow you can save time in paper works, fulfill customers needs more accurately. It can also transfer s orders between location,customers and vendors balances. Inventory systems maintain information about activities within firms that ensure the delivery of products to customers. ) Utilizing various forms of intimation technology as part tot human activity helps drive decision making leading to further action within the organization.

    The use of various information technology (IT) tools specifically information systems (IS) whether stand-alone, client/server or web-based, helps carry out in the effective operation of the business. The need tort IS is needed especially, when most transactions nowadays re done using various forms of information technology. Likewise, IS has become increasingly important for the competitive positioning of modern business in the market field. Web-based inventory system is an example of an information system, which can make a huge difference in the profitability of a business.

    Although the concept is simple, the process Of getting the right balance can be quite a complex and time consuming task without the right technology. Inventory systems maintain information about activities Within firms that ensure the just- in-time delivery of products to customers. The system helps the management track and maintain their finished goods inventory items and see their inventory qualities on hand. The researcher got very much interested in determining the status of employing a on. Nine inventory system at TAMPA and so he conducted this research. Will adapting a on-line inventory system make a big difference especially in the profitability of the business of TAMPA? In transacting business, would a on-line inventory system enable the company an easy, fast and convenient way in dealing transaction processes. Furthermore, the researcher s interested to find out whether the current trends in using on-line inventory system will be possible and a necessity in order tort the management and staff of the AT AMP to become more productive.

    Statement of the problem This study was conducted to investigate all aspects of conducting inventory processes at TAMPA in the year 2010-2011 as perceived by the management and staff. Specifically, the study will seek to answer the following questions: a. Is there a significant difference in the way product availability at order entry is check using the current manual system and using the on-line inventory system? . How effective would the on-line inventory system be in accessing products inventory and order Status in the transaction operation Of TAMPA? . HOW adequate are the methods of using an on-line inventor/ system for a faster and convenient way Of transacting business at TAMPA? D. What are the problems facing the management and staff in using manual way of monitoring products inventory? E. Will an on. Line inventory system make it possible and a necessity at TAMPA in order for the staff become more productive? F. Is there a significant difference in the profitability of Atman’s business when an on. Nine inventory system is used as compared to the manual system as perceived by the management?

    Assumptions An assumption is a self-evident truth which is based upon a known fact or phenomenon. Oftentimes, especially in descriptive and historical researches, assumptions are not explicitly expressed but left implicit, that is, they are unwritten. Generally, every specific question is implicitly based upon an assumption. If there is no assumption, expressed or implicit, there can no specific question. Examples: l) Specific question: How qualified are the teachers handling science? Implicit (unwritten assumption): There are certain qualifications that one should possess before he can teach science.

    Hypothesis A hypothesis is a tentative conclusion or answer to a specific question raised at the beginning of the investigation. It is an educated guess about the answer to a specific question. Conceptual Framework Conceptual Framework From the review of related literature and studies, the researcher may formulate a theoretical scheme for his research problem. This scheme is a tentative explanation or theoretical explanation Of the phenomenon or problem and serves as the basis or the formulation of research hypotheses.

    Thus, the conceptual framework consists Of the investigator’s own position on the problem after his exposure to various theories that have bearing on the problem. It is the researcher’s new model which has its roots on the previous model which the researcher had studied. The conceptual framework becomes the central theme, the focus, the main thrust of the study. It serves as a guide in conducting the investigation. Currently, however, most theses do not have a discussion of their conceptual frameworks. Very few thesis writers endeavor to include an explanation of their ancestral framework in their theses.

    Paradigm. A paradigm is a diagrammatic representation of a conceptual trademark. It depicts in a more vivid way what the conceptual framework wants to convey, Create PIP(INPUT/PROCESS/JUJITSU) In this study it is conceived that supplier taking transaction processing system will be of a great help in organizing finished goods into multiple categories thereby making their work faster and easier. It is also conceived that production will be more using an online eventide system and at the same time will have significant influence on the production and transaction process of the employees and the supplier.

    Scope and Delimitation’s of the Study This study will focus to inventory practices most especially to typical superficial transaction processing system of the Sailor’s Trading. The respondents of the study will be the supplier, the management, and the employee of the Jugulars Trading located at Don Gal. Appearance. Please refer to the guidelines below on how to construct the scope and delimitation’s of the study 1. A brief statement of the general purpose of the study. 2. The subject matter and topics studied and discussed. 3. The local Of he study, where the data were gathered or the entity to which the data belong. 4.

    The population or universe from Which the respondents were selected. This must be large to make generalizations significant. 5. The period of the study. This is the time, either months or years, during which the data were gathered. Ex. This investigation was conducted to determine the status of the teaching of science in the high schools of Province A as perceived by the teachers and students in science classes during the school year 1989-1990. The aspects looked into were the qualifications teachers, their methods and strategies, facilities, arms of supervisory assistance, problems, and proposed solutions to problems.

    General purpose: To determine the status of the teaching of science. Subject matter: The teaching of science. Topics (aspects) studied: Qualifications of teachers, their methods and strategies, facilities, forms of supervisory assistance, problems and proposed solutions to the problems. Population or universe: Teachers and students. Locale of the study: High schools of Province A Period of the study: School year 1989-1990 Limitations of the Study Limitations of the study include the weaknesses of the study beyond the control of the researcher.

    This is especially true in descriptive research where the variables involved are uncountable or continuous variables such as adequacy, effectiveness, efficiency, extent, etc. Significance Of the Study Cite here the importance Of the Whole study. It must contain explanations or discussions of any or all of the following: I. The rationale, timeliness, and/or relevance Of the study. 2. Possible solutions to existing problems or improvement to unsatisfactory conditions. 3. Who are to be benefited and how they are going to be benefited. (It must be shown who are the individuals. Pups, or communities who may be placed in a more advantageous position on account of the study. 4. Possible contribution to the fund of knowledge. 5 Possible Implications. Definition of terms For better understanding and in order to reach an agreement between the reader and the author on the true meaning of concepts used in the study these are hereby operationally defined. Some of the terms listed here were not yet mentioned so why define it when it is not yet seen in your document? On-line inventory refers to a web based order entry and inventory tracking system

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    Trading Motorcycle Parts and Accessories Essay. (2018, Sep 15). Retrieved from

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