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    To What Extent Did German Jews Have a Sufficient Warning of the Holocaust?

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    Prior to the events of the Holocaust, there is an issue of if whether or not German Jews at the time were given a chance or opportunity to escape the mass genocide Adolf Hitler had instigated. This opens a debate of ‘To what extent did German Jews have a sufficient warning of the Holocaust?’ the argument is determined on what a sufficient warning qualifies.

    In this case, any clear indication of Hitler exploiting his plans of annihilation to all German Jews leading up to the event, although the identification of enlarged or significant signs for an advancement of genocide against jews was not essentially provocative. However, there were minor indications of an advancement in the pursuit of a holocaust.

    In defense Adolf Hitler’s rise to power in January 1933 did not seem particularly alarming to the Jews of Germany (James 7). This had led to the assumption of his rule being temporary since his influence had been weak as a leader and not taken seriously at the time. As an unpopular leader, it wasn’t until his power had led to such brutality had it only then become an actual issue.

    Because by this time, it had been too late, the severity of Hitler’s reign was not noticed until his initial plan to rid of the Jews was taken place, German Jews were trapped. The main cause of no actual threat was not only due to Hitler’s unclear message, but he had not possessed a new and profound idea with strong hatred towards this race (Dippel, 64). Jews were already accustomed to living in a hostile environment, Germans already possessed prejudice towards Jews in accordance to being a separate race and religion.

    Being segregated and forced to wear the star of David had not been a huge flag or warning sufficient enough for the German Jews to leave in time before the Holocaust begun. However, those who had wanted a secure or better life could not leave after 1941, this was due to rights being stripped away including the freedom to emigrate Germany. Those who chose to stay then later had attributed that decision due to lack of reliable information and mixed messages from Nazi parties versus gentile German neighbors.

    There was also the personal desire to remain optimistic or even the attachment of fatherland (James 9). In retrospect, Hitler’s power in 1933 had been slow and not particularly alarming enough, hence why this concludes the reasoning of overlooking his influence from the start. With no clear message of his plan Jews were faced with the issue of not just segregation but whether their homes were safe; with anti-Jewish groups and the rest of the population unphased it brought contradictive areas in Germany where Jews were welcomed or hated.

    As the slow growth in Hitler’s influence as a leader quickly changed, being surprised by such subtle and racial changes turned into a malicious act to rid their very existence, the fate of genocide had become a sudden reality. The German Jews best defense was to be followers in whoever was in position of power, the religion of Judaism was meant to keep the spirit active and alive (Dipple 63).

    In contrast the German Jews were given a large enough indication of the Holocaust, but an expectancy of resistance had failed to bring hope and condemn these victims’ their own sense of fatalism. The Jews were given warnings but it was whether or not if those construct self distinction of reality or sense of solidarity; when paradoxically succumb to the fate that betrays their existence instead and without resistance (Goldberg 49).

    It was the power of fear that brought trauma, which the response was to passively allow themselves to be slaughtered by the Nazi regime. Although this reaction is unrealistic, the Jewish societies played a large role into the submission of Hitler especially to those aware of reconstructing Germany (Goldberg 60).

    In any circumstance it was expected in all possible efforts to not lose dignity or engage in any and all forms that can be determined as resistance. Nonetheless, German Jews were given a large enough indication of the Holocaust, even though it was hostility and violence that led the warnings; the victims still were unable to saved by self dependence since it is their religious tradition to avoid conflict including armed.

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    To What Extent Did German Jews Have a Sufficient Warning of the Holocaust?. (2021, Sep 24). Retrieved from

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