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    Thinking about friendship Essay

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    Some people think that they are good person and they can prove to be a good friend of any person. But in today’s context, it is something impossible work. As in present day a two friend shall not be a good friend in some context. As from my point of view, the philosophy of friendship is that; don’t make too much friend, “I means to say about those two people who share their feeling with each other”. Thus I want to say that don’t make too much friend, make few friend one or two, but in such a way that they understand you and you understand them.

    And then you will have strength to face the whole world, because at that time you will have a support of good friend, as that friend will be every where wherever u want. But think about that time when you expect that the person, you are thinking and admiring that s/he understands you and have believed in you. But once you get too know that what you was thinking is not correct and you are wrong at some place. This is thing about which I want to say through this platform to every reader. Philosophy that was drowns by a small misunderstanding.

    I am not going to tell what happen between two friend, but in indirect way I want to warn the readers that make a good friend, by keeping one thing in mind, that whenever there is any misunderstanding try to solve it by mutual communication. Because a small thing will when becomes a big thing you just can’t imagine’so keeping these entire thing in my mind, I made a good friend, everything was going fine, and I have a better thinking and a great intension towards my friend. But one day something happen for which I was not prepared and I have even not think about it in my dreams, that it will ever and ever happen.

    A small misunderstanding, which from my point of view was not big thing, but my friend see it in some other different way and a whole friendship, believe trust was shattered into pieces. A great shock changes the way of my life and my small philosophy of friendship was stated wrong and absurd. But as the life didn’t stop so I start making some more friend, and much many friend, in the opposite direction of my philosophy, to see that whether this philosophy works in the material world.

    But to my surprise, I start feeling alone in this material world as I am unmarried, I have got too much friend, but I am unable to find any such person in this entire friend who may say that, oh! My friend I understand you and I care for you and your thought. And this loneliness always try to swallow me up, and I keep running and running to find a friend, in the same way as the poor animal or people in the desert run after mirage in the search of water.

    I don’t know what will happen, whether, I will be able to find water in this desert of material world or devil of loneliness will eat me up. I ask with the readers what was wrong my philosophy or me myself. If my first philosophy was wrong then why I am thirsty this time, and if my philosophy is right then why it proves to be wrong. Don’t ask about the small thing; just ask yourself what would you do, if this happens with you one day. Be prepare there may be some devil behind you, just waiting for a appropriate time.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Thinking about friendship Essay. (2018, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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