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    The vocabulary terms for Lesson 8 Cell Cycle to help me study.

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    Term Definition
    chromatin one of a pair of duplicated chromosome
    Daughter cell Either of the two (or 4) cells formed when a cell undergoes cell division by mitosis (or meiosis).

    Mitosis A series of stages in the cell cycle of a somatic (body) cell in which the parent cell divides into 2 new daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell.
    Cell division The process by which a cell, called a parent cell, divides to form either 2 or 4 daughter cells.
    Somatic cells Any cell of a sexually reproducing organism that is not a germ cell. Also called a BODY cell.
    reproduction The process by which organisms sexually or asexually generate new individuals of the same kind
    gene Hereditary Unit
    Parent cell A cell that is the source of other cells, as a cell that divides to produce two or more daughter cells.
    Meiosis A series of stages in the cell cycle of a germ (sex) cell in which the parent cell divides into 4 new daughter cells that are NOT identical to the parent cell.
    Double Helix shape of DNA, looks like a twisted ladder
    Interphase The first stage in the cell cycle in which the cell grows and the DNA replicates (makes a copy of itself).
    Cell Cycle The series of events involving the growth, replication, and division of a cell.
    Germ cells The reproductive cell of any sexually reproducing organism Also called a SEX cell.
    centromere where chromatins are joined in a duplicated chromosome

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    The vocabulary terms for Lesson 8 Cell Cycle to help me study.. (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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