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    The Proper Wear and Appearance of the Army Pt Uniform Essay

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    The proper wear and appearance of the army PT uniform I am writing and essay today the proper wear and appearance of the army physical fitness uniform because I failed to meet the standards and did not have my uniform complete. The army P T uniform consists of the following items: gray army tee shirt, black army running shorts, running shoes, white socks and a reflective belt. On days when the weather is cold you may be authorized to wear your “high speeds”, which consist of an army physical fitness jacket long black running pants, green or black physical fitness cap and gloves with green or black inserts.

    When I went to the bathroom at 0115 at night here in Iraq I had on my black PT shorts, my gray pt shit untucked, and no reflective belt. So because of my actions I am writing this essay on the proper wear and appearance of the army physical fitness uniform. The proper way to wear your army physical fitness uniform is: on cold days you must wear your long sleeve physical fitness tee shirt, black running shorts, with your army physical fitness jacket and long black running pants on over your shorts and long sleeve tee shirt.

    Along with pt gloves with inserts black or green physical fitness cap white socks and running shoes. All of these items must be pulled up to your waist line and not sagging or untucked all tee shirts will be tucked into your shorts. While in the army physical fitness uniform you will always be clean shaven, with a clean haircut and always wear the uniform with pride. When it comes to wearing your army physical fitness uniform The physical fitness uniform (PFU) is authorized for year-round wear by all personnel, when pre scribed by the commander.

    Soldiers may wear the army physical fitness uniform off post per their Commanders guidelines and to what your commander finds suitable. Commanders may authorize the wear of commercial running shoes, calf-length or ankle-length, plain white socks with no logos, gloves, reflective belts or vests, long underwear, and other items appropriate to the weather conditions and type of activity. If soldiers wear long underwear or other similar items, they must conceal them from view with the army physical itness jacket and long black running pants when wearing the army physical fitness uniform, or the running jacket and long black pants if wearing the army physical fitness uniform. Soldiers are authorized to wear commercially purchased gray or black spandex shorts under the army physical fitness uniform shorts. The length of the shorts must end above the knee or higher. The commercial shorts must be plain, with no logos, patterns, or obtrusive markings. Soldiers are not required to buy the spandex shorts.

    The army physical fitness uniform is authorized for wear on and off duty, on and off the installation, when authorized by the commander. Soldiers may wear all or part of the army physical fitness uniform with civilian attire off the installation, when authorized by the commander. The only insignia authorized for wear on the army physical fitness uniform is the physical fitness badge. When the physical fitness badge is worn, it is sewn on the upper left front side of the army physical fitness T-shirt, whether it be both long sleeve and short sleeve or just one or the other and the army physical fitness jacket.

    On the army physical fitness uniform running jacket, the insignia is sewn centered one half inch above the word “Army. ” Soldiers may not mix or match and military and civilian work out clothes. Soldiers may not roll or push up the sleeves of the army physical fitness jacket. Soldiers may wear the sleeves of the army physical fitness uniform jacket cuffed or uncuffed; they may not cuff the army physical fitness uniform jacket sleeves. Soldiers will wear the black knit cap or green knit cap pulled down snugly on the head, with the bottom edge of the cap folded up.

    Soldiers will not roll the edge of the cap. A similar, commercially designed black or green knit cap is authorized for wear. There are no restrictions on the combination of army physical fitness uniform items worn, unless the commander has pre scribed a particular combination for formation. By writing this essay and getting all the information on the proper wear and appearance of the army physical fitness uniform, the standards will always be met and never taken for granted.

    The army physical fitness uniform is consists of articles of clothing bag items. Each article of clothing of the army physical fitness uniform is identified with a national stock number (N S N) and a Defense Logistics Agency (D L A) contract number printed on a label and sewn into the garment. If the label does not contain this information, the garment is not the authorized garment. Pregnant soldiers will wear the army physical fitness uniform until the uniform becomes too small or uncomfortable.

    Pregnant soldiers are authorized to wear the Tee -shirt outside the black running shorts. At no time will commanders require pregnant soldiers to purchase a larger army physical fitness uniform in order to accommodate the pregnancy. When the uniform becomes too small or uncomfortable, pregnant soldiers may wear equivalent civilian workout clothes. We as soldiers are to wear every single one of our uniforms from army physical fitness uniforms, to class A’s and other dress uniforms, to flight suits to Nuclear Biological Chemical suits (NBC).

    That day I was not wearing my uniform with pride nor was I showing any care at all that I made my platoon, my company, my commander, my first sergeant, and all of my other fellow soldiers look bad and blatantly show that I didn’t care. No where in AR Six Seventy dash one (AR 670-1) does it say at all that untucked t-shirts are authorized as part of the army physical fitness uniform. So I advise you all as a fellow soldier do not make the same mistake I did and disregard the army physical fitness uniform standards and company guide lines.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Proper Wear and Appearance of the Army Pt Uniform Essay. (2018, Oct 21). Retrieved from

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