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    The Problem Of Online Dating Essay

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    There is no way to eliminate internet dangers completely, but there are ways to significantly reduce them. People continuously lie on their online dating profiles to make themselves more attractive to others. With the security feature of background checks this problem would be eliminated. Jeffrey Marsalis was able to present himself online as a fireman, trauma surgeon, and even an astronaut; this would not be possible if all online dating websites provided background checks on his information (Peters). According to the Time magazine article, “Major Online Dating Sites to Start Background Checks on Users,” written by Tim Newcomb, background checks are slowly being added to most dating websites (Newcomb).

    Future background checks will be able to scan the histories of possible clients for sexual assault and identity theft (Newcomb). The increased use of online dating sites has brought an increase in physical abuse and financial scams (Newcomb). A user sued recently sued the website because she was raped while on a date with a repeat sex offender (Newcomb). Upon further inspection, they found the man had at least six prior sex offense convictions (Newcomb). Background checks would be able to detect that man’s criminal record, preventing him from using the website in the first place.

    According to the article, “The rapid abuse reporting systems will give members access to a website, email address and/or phone number to report suspected criminal activity,” so users will have the tools they need to make sure the people they meet online are not offenders (Newcomb). Some dating websites such as, already provides users with the precaution of background checks. However, several popular websites and apps do not. Background c. .

    popularity of online dating continues to grow every day and will most probably grow towards the future. We live in the digital age. New technologies are being pushed out everyday to improve everyday life. There may even be a point where traditional social interaction and dating methods will become a rarity. Although online dating has provided users with a unique way to meet others, online dating’s lack of privacy, security, credibility, present the risk of emotional and physical danger to it’s users. There is no way to eliminate online dating from society, but there are ways to minimize the dangers it presents.

    Hopefully through adding safety features to websites, and raising awareness on the dangers of online dating, we can make a safer online dating website experience for people everywhere, to keep predators like Jeffrey Marsalis away from the online dating world.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Problem Of Online Dating Essay. (2019, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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