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    The Problem of Modern Nutrition

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    The government tells us to have healthy choices in school lunches. But what is healthy, really’schools throughout the country have changed from pizza and cheeseburgers to a tray of nachos dripping with grease. Delicious! This adjustment has improved over the years with the passion that these students have, they’ve even turned over to bulimia. So, they will be able to taste it all over again.

    Let’s be healthy by smashing together small pieces of chicken, some plastic cheese on a wheat tortilla. I love how we a Dasani water vending machine yet filled with some good ol soda pop. If you need proof that this world is filled with all sorts of nasty foods filled with the one ingredient everybody loves High Fructose Corn Syrup. Remember when you would walk out a McDonalds and eating your favorite Big Mac, well just look at the bottom of the bag and you’ll see your bag soaked with yummy grease.

    The people that are unhappy with their weight, they still some how find a way to end up eating more to suppress the feeling. The government is purposely making people fat and then trying to sell them into losing all of that weight. Have you ever wanted to lose weight and still eat right? Well now you can choose a variety of diets. With an unlimited amount of specialized meals, you can practically eat whatever you want. Without worrying about determining your own portion sizes. Ha! We got it covered.

    You can choose from a little package of peanuts, bag of chips, or maybe if you want some protein just go ahead and treat yourself to a Strong and Kind bar. These meals are perfectly portioned and designed to keep you to have a full stomach. You know its time to diet when your driver’s license says, “Picture continued on the other side”. Its very important to have a balanced diet. Never stuff something in your mouth that is bigger than your head. That’s when everything changed, and Diet Soda came in town. Free Refills in fast food restaurants means we can eat more and stay slim!

    As the nation’s leading beverage company Coke has played an important role. Across over 650 beverages they now offer 180 low and no-calorie choices. These diet beverages still pose serious health risks, even though they’ve reduced the calories per serving. These beverages can still cause kidney problems, obesity, metabolic syndrome, cell damage, and you thought it stopped there nope, rotting teeth. If you choose to live a healthy life style this is the right beverage for you.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Problem of Modern Nutrition. (2021, Sep 14). Retrieved from

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