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    The Power of Greed (542 words)

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    Erich Fromm one said, “Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction.” Greed has an effect on someone people would have never thought possible. People become so thirsty for something unattainable, without a care in the world of who might get hurt along the way. Greed can lead a person down a path of destruction, that happens to guide them to do unspeakable things.

    Even though people might seem well on the inside, something could be festering inside of them with rage to do whatever it takes to get on top. In, Macbeth, Macbeth was greedy to become King and he didn’t care what it took to become just that. Lady Macbeth was just as greedy as her husband, maybe even more. As she’s saying to herself, “ Hie thee hither, that i may pour my spirits in thine ear and chastise with the valor of my tongue all the impedes thee from the golden ground,” since her husband won’t do what needs to be done, she persuades him to do just that, turning him into a greedy man thirsty for more (Macbeth 1.5.28-31).When people got in the way of fulfilling his goal he put a stop to them using any means necessary. When someone got in the way of him becoming king he, doctored up a plan, and says, “that i require a clearness. And with him- To leave no rubs nor botches in the work- Fleance his son that keeps him company,”therefore saying he would kill anyone, even someone he knew as a friend (Macbeth 3.1.152-154). The drive for power only becomes stronger and stronger, until the only person in the way of the goal, is themselves.

    Greed is the intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power or food. Grendel’s greed for murder and blood eventually lead himto his own downfall. In Grendel’s case he was hungry for food, no matter how many people he killed nothing could satisfy him. It’s as if he’s a bottomless pit whole can’t be filled no matter what’s put in it. Grendel wouldn’t accept anything in order to stop killing, “No truce, accepting no settlement, no price. In gold or land…,” saying that whatever he was offered to stop his wrongful ways, would never be enough, he wanted more…much more(Beowulf 70-71). Grendel’s always wanted more, “Killing as often as he could…,” it as if he was addicted to killing, thirsty to get blood on his hands(Beowulf 80). People can’t see what they are doing to others, greed fogs up the lives of the ones who hurt others to the point that they can’t see that the only danger is themselves.

    Greed consumes a person to do the unthinkable, the something they never thought possible. Macbeth and Grendel’s greed led them to their own despair. Therefore causing hurt and grief to others around them. Anybody will do whatever it takes to obtain what they want, even if it means pushing others out in order to get it. Greed is unthinkable, but what people choose to do with that greed, well that’s on them.

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    The Power of Greed (542 words). (2021, Dec 22). Retrieved from

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