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    The Laws of Life Essay (538 words)

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    Who’s to say that a young African-American woman can’t make it in the real world, for the laws of life are different for every individual. Ronald Reagan once said, “We have every right to dream heroic dreams. ” After replaying that in my mind about a thousand times, I sat and thought. I thought about those of my ethnicity and to see how far that we have come gives me the inspiration to that heroic dream. I feel like Martin Luther King, Jr. because I too have a dream. I dream of being someone else’s hero and changing the world. About eight years ago, tragedy hit my life.

    I lost one of my best friends to a blood disease known as leukemia. He became my first inspiration to make a change, as well as become someone’s hero; he was definitely my hero. To see a child so young suffer from something he never wished for was pain to my heart. But everyday he fought and everyday he showed the world just how strong he was. After my loss I knew from that day forward that I wanted to become a doctor, not to heal, but to end suffering. It wasn’t only my best fried that I lost to this dreadful disease, but I lost family.

    My first dream was to cure leukemia and end the suffering for those who were in pain. About a year after he passed, I began to stay around my mom a lot while she was in her work place. She was a nurse at the health department and she worked with a lot of teens. I saw how she helped them and made them feel special and relaxed and it made me see a vision. My mom became my second inspiration and my primary motivation because I wanted to be that special someone in people’s lives that made things seem okay.

    My vision was to save children for the next generation so that’s when I decided to become pediatrician. I then visualized having my own clinic and being ultimately successful. I don’t have to be in tights or wearing a cape to be a hero. Sometimes just your average person can be the best hero of all. I have a dream that I’ll make something of myself and everyone will remember my name. This is an essential law of life because every person deserves to have a dream. But when you’re dreaming make sure its not a dream for anyone other than yourself.

    When you dream make sure your set goals to help you achieve that dream. But most of all don’t let anyone tell you what you can and cannot be. We’re all equal and we all deserve to be able to dream that heroic dream inside of our heart. Being heroic doesn’t mean you have to be like Superman and it doesn’t mean you have to be a doctor or even a lawyer. Professional athletes can be heroes as well a garbage man. Everyone has someone to look up to and you should be able to dream of being like them, or better yet be better than them.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Laws of Life Essay (538 words). (2018, Aug 16). Retrieved from

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