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    The Issue Of The Transgender Essay

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    Against Transgenders Transgender is when an individual tries to switch genders. The term “transgender” is becoming more and more well known throughout the United States. Research has proven that “…65% of Americans said they have a close friend or family member who is homosexual, while 9% said that they have one who is transgender” (Steinmetz 40). Many trans-individuals decide later on in their lives that they want to switch genders, and other people argue that they were born the wrong gender, making it a very controversial topic. “Living within a trans-identity can be a complicated situation for many different reasons” (Cronn-Mills 60).

    There are many obstacles that trans-people face throughout their lives. Depending on what state trans-people live in, they are faced with whether or not they are accepted by marriage, religion, surgery, adoption rights, identity documents such as birth certificates, driver’s licenses, and passports. There are many barriers that trans-people face daily such as discrimination, whether it is in the workplace, school, or just in public. Trans-people are denied when they try to serve in the military. There is a lot of debate whether or not trans-people are allowed to participle on sports teams, and which restroom/locker rooms to use. Trans-people have unequal access to health care, and the media shows a poor representation of them.

    People claim that being “transgender” is a “mental disorder” (GID). Forty-one percent of trans-people have reported that they have attempted suicide throughout their lives, compared to less than two percent of the general population (Cronn-Mills 52). How other people treat them, can greatly influence trans-individuals throughout their lives and how they view th. .ed States military has a very bias opinion about trans-individual’s right to serve the country. Trans-individuals have struggles and that have to face everyday.

    Trans-people are faced with many more obstacles rather than homosexual people. Trans-individuals are reminded everyday of the decision that the made and are often judged/discriminated. Trans-people have others treat them like they are diagnosed with a gender identity disorder. The media discredits and disrespects trans-individuals by believing that one cannot change into a different sex that was assigned at birth. The United States military will not allow trans-individuals to serve. Trans-people have unequal access to health care and rights of public restrooms to add on top of public discrimination daily.

    How other people treat trans-individuals can influence their lives and how they view the world.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Issue Of The Transgender Essay. (2019, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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