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    The Influence of a Skin Color (802 words)

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    The perspective on social relations between individuals, especially race has gotten more than clear as an effect towards the nation.The way individuals act towards each other is normally the perception based on their child upbringings, relationships with their family, and the way they socialize with each other. This idea is first rate by Frederick Douglass and DuBois. Two authors that intentionally explain the opposite relationship of the white and black community in a personal manner and figuratively. All the more explicitly, the idea of perception is significant in light of the fact that individuals see things distinctively which is the reason why racism exists.

    Frederick Douglass and Dubois take action to elaborate on how the dynamics of perception can differentiate in terms of life experiences. On a personal level, they both lay out the concept of how being black perceives racism. Douglass demonstrated his passion through advocating for black emancipation with the need for self‐support; and reviewed whites to the equity of racial equity. The Narrative of the Life Of Frederick Douglass incorporates the life of Douglass that was constrained, placing him in the situation of not having a decision yet to turn into a slave since he was naturally introduced to a slaved family. Prior to his introduction to the world, his fate had been dodged through doubleness because of the connection he had with white people. A connection that wasn’t really the same between Sophia Auld and High Auld. Both were white, but it gave Douglass a realization that not all whites are racist. As presented in the following: “Whilst I was saddened by the thought of losing the aid of my kind mistress, I was gladdened by the invaluable instruction which, by the merest accident, I had gained from my master” (Douglass, 20). Saracastically, Douglass communicates how well he was educated by Mrs. Auld while encountering an unexpected disclosure of the procedure white people use to oppress blacks. Previously, it is uncovered that Mrs. Auld was never challenged to show a slave the alphabets or how to read until she was adversely persuaded by Hugh Auld. Instead of reacting negatively, Douglass took the chance and found the opportunity to teach himself. The perception of Hugh Auld downgrading Douglass because he is black, as he explains: “If you teach that nigger how to read there would be no keeping him…he would become unmanageable and of no value to his master” (Douglass, 20). Observation matters in circumstances like this since Douglass and Hugh Auld are both in various positions. Douglass is in the point of view of being willing to be shown regardless of the condition, while Mr. Auld is oppressing him on account of his skin color. By and large, whites restricting blacks from whatever drives them to their own triumphs, as in Douglass’ circumstance, was education.

    In The Souls Of Black Folk Dubois reflects on an African American who is cursed by the concept of double-consciousness. He uses a specific term that creates two perceptions of dehumanization. For example in ‘The Forethought’ he presents the idea of ‘The Veil”, every now and again so as to portray racial isolation. Notwithstanding the possibility of separation that happens among white and black communities in America. No doubt, he portrays it as ‘the problem of the Twentieth Century is the problem of the color line” (Dubois, 359). The problem is where black people are forced upon the views of white people, creating a barrier amongst other individuals that don’t relate to the same skin color. One example that Dubois uses to reveal the separation between white and black people is: “The exchange was merry, till one girl, a tall newcomer, refused my card, — refused it peremptorily, with a glance. Then it dawned upon me with a certain suddenness that I was different from the others…but shut down from their world by a vast veil” (Dubois, 364). The situation wherein the kid could’ve been must’ve been truly awkward because of the reality he was dismissed by a white young lady since he was black. Two recognitions that outline future events from keeping something very similar from occuring once more. For instance, the boy will abstain from seeking after a white female and the young lady ought to be available to the chance of being with a dark male regardless of his skin color.

    The concept of perception is critical in light of the actual fact that individuals see things distinctively which is why racism exists. The experience that Frederick Douglass and Dubois influenced their impression of racism. Both had the chance to narrate events wherein being a particular skin color can influence you. It’s overwhelming to be in the situation of skin color being the explanation behind taking out an individual’s opportunities, like what happened with Frederick Douglass and Dubois.

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    The Influence of a Skin Color (802 words). (2022, May 11). Retrieved from

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