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    The Importance of Education Essay

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    Most people will argue that college education in fields like traditional liberal arts and career-oriented subjects such as business, engineering and science is a stepping stone to success, and I agree because it provides one with broad knowledge, increased opportunities and greater potentials to succeed in life.

    The traditional liberal arts have been the foundation of advanced learning since dateless times. The idea that traditional liberal arts education at college level gives broad knowledge aims at broadening the mind. This will increase the development of the mind so that it will be able to close upon the truth of our existence and lead to the understanding of life’s values. It also helps one to think abstractly and critically, therefore allowing one to express thoughts intelligibly in speech and in writing and to make wise decisions.

    This corroborates the results of the survey that was conducted in 2003 and referred to in S. Georgia Nugent’s essay, written in 2004, and entitled “College Makeover” that “a national survey found that 99 percent of faculty said the ability to think critically was crucial to college education; 90 percent said the ability to write effectively. ”(435). Furthermore, obtaining higher education makes a person civilized. In that, a person becomes at peace with their neighbors through healthy debate and dialogue obtained from liberal arts skills such as critical and abstract thinking.

    The traditional liberal arts fields such as history, philosophy, literature, mathematics, social sciences, foreign languages, arts, and music will provide one with a comprehensive knowledge in various areas. In fact, this endorses Jeffery Hart’s article “How to Get a College Education” which he advocates that, “Th. . science will enable you to acquire greater potential is inevitable because it helps increase your understanding of the community, the nation and the world at large. A person explores interests, discovers new ideas of knowledge, career advancement, and considers lifelong goals and becomes a responsible citizen.

    The discovery of one’s self makes the person more marketable and will be able to fit into any kind of job regardless if it is not the field of study. This potential will make it very easy to gain employment and become competitive in our already complex world. As I mentioned earlier, college education in fields like traditional liberal arts and career-oriented subjects such as business, engineering and science is a stepping stone to success. This assertion therefore acknowledges my claim that indeed college education is worth having one.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Importance of Education Essay. (2019, Feb 14). Retrieved from

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