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    The Holocaust Essay Thesis (693 words)

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    IntroductionWhat, when, where, and why was the Holocaust? The Holocaust was first called a religious rite in which an offer that gave to some one was burned in a fire.

    The current definition of holocaust is any widespread human massacre. When it is written Holocaust, it means when Nazi Germany completely destroyed the Jewish. The Holocaust was during the period of January 30, 1933 to May 8, 1945. Hitler became Germany’s chancellor when it first started and the war ended on the last day of the Holocaust, or known as V-E Day. During that time frame, Jews in Europe were killed in the worst way possibly and led to the death of 6,000,000 Jews and 5,000 communities destroyed.

    1. 5 million of those Jews killed were children. After Germany’s lost in World War I, they were embarrassed by the Versailles Treaty, which lowered its prewar territory and armed forces. The German Empire demolished, a new government of parliament called the Weimar Republic was born. The republic suffered from economic instability, which grew worse when the great depression was happening.

    The great depression was when the stock market crashed in New York in 1929. Adolf Hitler became leader of the Nazi(National Socialist German Workers Party)on January 30, 1933. He was named chancellor by president Paul von Hidenburg after the Nazi won a election by the majority of the votes in 1932. Propaganda: “The Jews Are Our Misfortune”The Nazi newspaper, Der Sturmer (The Attacker), was a major tool in the Nazi’s propaganda assault. The paper said, “The Jews are our misfortune”, in bold print, on the bottom of the front page of each issue.

    In the Der Sturmer, the Jews were regularly drawn as hooked-nosed and ape-like cartoons. By 1938, about a half a million copies were sold weekly because the influence of the paper was far reaching. A little after Hitler became chancellor, he called for a new election for a effort to gain complete control of the Reicstag. Reicstag was a German parliament for the Nazi.

    The Nazi used the government to mess with the other parties. They banned their political meetings and arrested their leaders. The Reichstag building burned down February 27, 1933 during the middle of the election campaign. Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutchman, was arrested for burning the building and he swore he did the crime alone.

    In order for the Nazis to have more votes they managed to blame the Communists. Many believed the Nazis were responsible for burning down the building. * 1 *he fire caused the dismiss of the German democracy. The next day, under the pretense of controlling the Communists, the government established individual rights and protections.

    Freedom of speech, assembly, and expression were the rights and protections that were demolished. The Nazis won the majority in the government with nearly forty four percent of the votes on March fifth. Moving swiftly the Nazis brought together their power into a dictatorship. The Enabling Act was passed on March twenty third.

    Hitler’s dictatorial efforts were approved and was now legally able to pursue them. Complex police and military force were also developed. With the police now set in place, the nazis opponents were beaten, terrorized, or sent toone of the concentration camps that the Germans had built. The first camp built for the prisoners was Dachau, just outside of Munich. Over time Dachau’s purpose was changed and became another brutal camp for the Jews. Hitler was in full control of Germany and his campaign against the Jews was in full force by the end of 1934.

    According to the Nazis, the Jews destroyed the German culture with their “foreign” and “mongrel” influence. They saw the Jews as evil and cowardly and the Germans as hardworking, honest, and courageous. The Jews claimed the Nazis, which were heavily represented in finance, commerce, the press literature, theater, and the arts. Because of this the economy and culture was weakened.

    The Jews Are Isolated from SocietyTo justify the their treatment of the Jews, the Nazi combined their racial theories with evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin. Destine to rule were the Germans which were strong and fit, while the weak Jews were doomed to extinction. Hitler began to restrict the Jews with terror, which consist of

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    The Holocaust Essay Thesis (693 words). (2019, Feb 05). Retrieved from

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