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    The Giver by Lois Lowry Analysis Essay

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    Have you ever felt like starting all over again? Many people would like to have the opportunity to make a new beginning.

    In the book, The Giver, by Lois Lowry, Jonas is making anew beginning by making an end. Jonas is making an end by leaving the community. He leaves with Gabriel because he wants to experience true things outside the community. He was very hurt in the community because he could not share his feelings. He wanted to be able to share and experience his feelings with other people.

    He feels the community does many things that are bad or wrong. Jonas doesn’t seem to like what happens to people when they are released. He wants to change many ways people in the community are treated. Jonas makes a great a choice by leaving the community. Jonas opens up many opportunities and choices when he leaves the community. Jonassobbed and shouted and pounded the bed with his fist (Lois Lowry pg 152).

    Jonas is obviously angry in the situation he is in and with the choices he is given. He wants to have the privilege to make his own choices which he will be able to do outside the community. He can now find peace since he was able to leave and make his own choices . The choices will give Jonas a chance to find a job and other things that are important to his life.

    Jonas would finally be able to be happy with himself and what he has. It is good for Jonas to be able to have opportunities and choices. Jonas is making a beginning outside of the community. Soon there were many birds along the way, soaring overhead calling (Lois Lowry pg 172). Jonas can finally make his own decisions.

    Jonas could have all the privileges the community took away. He’s able to start a new family. Jonas and Gabriel would probably like to start their own family. They could choose who they would like to marry.

    Jonas has a great adventure ahead of him. Outside the community Jonas can make his life. Many people do not take advantage ofthe opportunities they are given. Jonas opened up and will probably take advantages of his new privileges.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Giver by Lois Lowry Analysis Essay. (2019, Mar 31). Retrieved from

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