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    The Giver: Book Report Essay (457 words)

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    The Giver: Book Report EssayJonas: The story starts as Jonas, a twelve- year-old boy, who is waiting for hislife assignment. When he is given his assignment, he is chosen to be theReceiver of Memory. As the Receiver he has to get every memory from all over theworld from the old Receiver he calls The Giver. The Giver: The Giver is the man who is the old Receiver.

    He is also the one who givesJonas the memories. In the community were Jonas lives is everything iscontrolled, even people’s memory. The Giver is the only one who is notcontrolled. It is the Receiver’s job to store the memories of the community andpass them on to the next Receiver. Gabe: Gabe is an infant who was part of Jonas’s father’s work that Jonas’s fatherbrought home so he won’t be released from the community(killed). Jonas’s Family: Jonas’s family is not like our idea of a family.

    They don’t love each ofthere family members like we love ours. There is no privacy between anybody. They shared there dreams at breakfast and there day at dinner. Introduction of Characters: Lowry introduces Jonas and his family, withGabe, plus The Giver. Rising Action: Jonas receives the assignment of Receiver of Memory. Complication: Jonas finds out that not all memories are nice.

    Conflict: The conflict is man vs. man. Jonas can’t turn down hisassignment without being released. Climax: Jonas runs away from the perfect community so that Gabe won’t bereleased. Falling Action: People search for Jonas and Gabe.

    Resolution: Finally Jonas and Gabe make it elsewhere, and they were safe. Setting#1: Now the landscape was changing. It was a subtle change, hard to identifyat first. The road was narrower, and bumpy, apparently no longer tended to byroad crews. It was harder suddenly, to balance on a bike, as the front wheelwobbled over stones and ruts.

    #2: Standing in the freezing mound that was thickening around his numb feet,Jonas opened his own tunic, held Gabe to his bare chest, and tied the torn anddirty blanket around them both. Gabe moved feebly against and whimpered brieflyinto the silence that surrounded them. Dimly, from a nearly forgotten perception as the blurred as thesubstance itself. Jonas recalled what the witness was,It’s called snow, Gabe, Jonas whispered.

    Theme/Readers ResponseTheme:1. A perfect thing to one is not perfect to another. 2. Sometimes freedom is better than over protectivness. Readers Response: A part of the book I didn’t like was that people didn’t have to make anychoices. I also didn’t like how people didn’t have any emotions.

    I don’t thinkthey should have a perfect community. The part of the book I did like was that the community had no violenceand pollution and no murder. Overall I really enjoyed the book!English .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Giver: Book Report Essay (457 words). (2019, Mar 08). Retrieved from

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