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    “The Girl on the Train” Movie Review

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    The Girl on the Train will have you at the edge of your seat, trying to figure out its different outcomes to various scenarios that all lead to one being. The three different ladies featured in the film are all broken as it appears. Only ones life has ended in a sinister tragedy, while the others still have one thing left in common, the treacherous love for one man. This movie was originated by Paula Hawkins author of the novel “The Girl on the Train.” Tate Taylor and Erin Cressida Wilson have made this novel come to life, and it is guaranteed to give you the shivers with its tantalizing narratives told by the main character Rachel.

    Rachael makes this film come alive, as she is the main character. She was a publicist who was happily married to a man she thought was the best thing ever. I think not! He seemed to stay by her side through their upmost treacherous news. After their divorce, years later she is seen riding the train to and from work every day, and surprisingly this train goes past their old home. She sits in her seat and fantasizes about how her life would be if she were home, with her prince charming. Rachael drenches her life in alcohol, in which she drinks out of a water bottle everyday as she rides the train, and it seems like she is just spiraling down stairs of depression and addiction. Rachael’s life now seems an utter mess.

    Then there’s Meagan, the beautiful blonde who just can’t keep her body to herself. Meagan lives right near Rachel’s old house, and has a beautiful home, and quite handsome husband. You may think she is living the life of her dreams. This is very much not what it seems. Meagan surely shows that she needs more. Meagan started off as the nanny for Anna and Tom, but then ventured off to working at the art galleria, where she could possibly achieve her career goals. Obviously helping to raise a child wasn’t her thing. What she discovers later on, will send your mind racing.

    Anna, sweet and beautiful, who is now, married to Rachel’s Ex Husband, who has bared his seed, his baby girl. Surprisingly, Anna resides in Rachel’s old house, living the life Rachael wanted, and couldn’t seem to cling onto, which has driven Rachael nuts! In this film Anna shows her motherly side, but longs and reminisces about the days when she was the ‘side piece.’ Anna believes that Tom is still in love with Rachael, only because of how they became one. Anna grows suspicious and does her research, only to find that Tom isn’t really who she thought he was.

    Rachael (Emily Blunt) had it all once upon a time, now she drinks her sorrows away, while spying on this one particular couple from the train. In which she starts to demise of the beautiful blonde woman Meagan (Haley Bennett) who she doesn’t even know, who seems to not be faithful to her husband. This sends Rachel in a whirlwind due to her circumstance of being played on before. Rachael has no idea that Meagan has any connection to her. Conveniently maybe a few houses down, Anna (Rebecca Ferguson) is living Rachel’s dream with her ex husband Tom. Anna used to be the mistress, and is now playing housewife. Anna birthed Tom’s (Justin Theroux) daughter, and they seem to be living the happiest life. All while Rachel is diminishing in her sorrows. It all spiraled down hill when Rachael found out she couldn’t bear Tom a child, this sent her into a drunken state, and the divorce didn’t make it any better. In the film, it shows Rachael causing all havoc, throwing tantrums, rages, and blackouts. The film portrays her to be an isolated divorcee and a far gone alcoholic.

    Now this is when the film gets suspenseful. The portrayal sends us to a night where Rachael comes in from a long night of drinking only to be drenched in blood and mud. On this same night Megan goes missing. As Rachael has her flashback, all evidence leads to her being the murder. On this same day, Rachel overloads herself with vodka once again, and commutes to nowhere on the train in Manhattan New York. On this particular day she dazes as the beautiful blonde girl living just a few streets from her old house caresses with another man, who is not her husband. Rachel is heated once she sees this! She gets off of the train only to confront this woman, and then she blacks out. Again, must I say, all evidence leads to Rachael. Hey, so we thought. This movie sends you in a loop of is it really suspenseful, or did I already see this coming? We are shown different flashbacks from Rachael, and believe them to be true, but in fact are they really? With all the various flashbacks, it is hard to get a grip on anything throughout the movie. From what is shown, it is highly possible that Rachel could be guilty of murder

    The climax of the movie tends to get less convincing, as this is an “I told you so” scene. As a novel, the turnout was much greater than the movie. But all woman-goers may have a different outlook; and may be the go to movie for them. Rachael is somewhat relatable, and though most of us may have rooted for her throughout the movie. She still seemed to be mentally disabled and quite the achy. The characters of the film, all portrayed to be somewhat unstable emotionally. That’s how everyone was connected, other than the intriguing guy everyone had their hands on. This sex, lives, and murder mystery shows that all these women may have been conspiring against each other only to have so much in common, men who are extremely obstreperous!

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    “The Girl on the Train” Movie Review. (2022, Jan 18). Retrieved from

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