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    The Future of Technology and Social Networking Essay

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    Adam Ostrow is a new media entrepreneur and commentator of the twenty first century. One of the main titles that Ostrow holds is being the editor in chief of Mashable. com, one of the most-read independent news sites in the world, covering the latest technologies, trends and individuals that are driving the current evolution of the web. Since joining Mashable in 2007, Ostrow has contributed more than 2,500 articles.

    Under his direction, Mashable has grown more than tenfold to 13 million visitors per month with more than 3. 6 million followers across social media sites. Notably, Ostrow has been quoted in popular media outlets such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, USA Today and The Times of London, among many others. In addition to his internet popularity, he is a frequent guest on CNN, Bloomberg and NPR. Ostrow is also a highly sought after speaker and has made presentations at TED Global, CES, SXSW Interactive and Harvard Business School.

    Adam is a graduate of the University of Maryland where he received his degree in journalism and was awarded Most Outstanding Senior in the school’s prestigious Hinman CEOs program. In today’s society, the media is constantly promoting social networking websites and the glory of having such technology. If you are watching entertainment news, or national news, the media references social networking to enhance their stories creditability. Whether someone wrote on their blog, tweeted, or posted a status update on Facebook, the media grabs ahold of the information and uses it as a source. In a world driven by the latest technology, it becomes only natural for people to question what will happen to their blog or webpage when they pass away.

    For the occasion of the spe. . ile presenting his speech. He does not lean too much to one side of tug on his clothes.

    Ostrow walks around and uses good hand gestures to put on particular parts of his speech. I believe Ostrow’s strong use of ethos and MMS paved a way for an extremely effective speech. Works CitedHenning, Martha L. Friendly Persuasion: Classical Rhetoric–Now! Draft Manuscript. August, 1998.

    http://www. millikin. edu/wcenter/workshop7b. htmlBerry, Mike. “Persuasive Speaking/Monroe’s Motivated Sequence.

    ” San Juan Unified School District. Mike Berry. Web. 22 Nov.

    2011. http://www. sanjuan. edu/webpages/mikeberry/speech. cfm?subpage=66682 “iCloud – Your Content. On All Your Devices.

    ” Apple. Apple Inc. , 2011. Web. 28 Nov. 2011. Adam Ostrow: After Your Final Status Update

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Future of Technology and Social Networking Essay. (2019, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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