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    The drum kit Essay (1000 words)

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    The drum kit is a percussion music instrument made up of various drums and percussion instruments played by one person the most common standard drum kit used today consists of a range of drums and cymbals the high tom, mid tom, floor tom, snare drum, bass, hi-hat, ride and the crash. The drum kit is an instrument that does not produce a melody but usually goes alongside other instruments that can create a melody. drummers also often extend their kits, adding other drums and often pitched percussion instruments such as cowbells. history

    The drum kit started out in 1865 at the end of the american civil war in marching bands where multiple people held drums and marched, playing alongside the band. After the american civil war ended many drummers started to experiment using two drums, a bass and snare, that was know as double drumming. Double drumming became popular in orchestras and theatres and was often used in dance bands where the drummer could sit still. In 1890 many drummers gained pedals for their bass drum so that they could play their snare and bass together and more efficiently.

    At that time in america ragtime was very popular and drummers experimented with improvisation and with many immigrants going into america they adopted new items to add to their kits such as the chinese tom and cymbal that turned into items that drummers use today. In 1909 the ludwig pedal was created and is extremely similar to the pedal we use today with the spring to hold it down and pedal attached, but before that pedals often overhung the drum and were hard to operate and clumsy so the pedal was a big advancement.

    In 1913 as other instruments had no amplifiers drummers needed to make their drumming quieter so they used brushes that were then known as fly swatters because people used them to swat flies, this caught on and gradually became its own style. Over the years more items were added to the kit such as the cymbals and drums became what they are today. Well Known players Ringo Starr, the drummer for the well known band the beatles. Chad Smith, the current drummer of the red hot chili peppers. John Bonham, the drummer of led zeppelin. Hip Hop

    Hip hop music today rarely goes without a drum beat of some sort. Most songs include electronic computer generated beats but can also be played on the drum kit. They often use clapping sounds or similar instead of a snare drum and mostly play repeated loops of a beat with small variations. As her paws plodded along the dusty surface, passers by stared up at her then walked by. The night grew darker and she sat there as still as her shadow. Once the streets were deserted, and night was at its full power, she relaxed her eyes and made her way down into the gloominess of the underground.

    Her whiskers flexed and twitched with the lights flickering and making forms in the puddles that she so feared and rippled with every drop of blood. The ground grumbled and shivered as the escalators rolled into the unknown. Every jalt and movement sent shivers along her spine whilst the demons stood below and watched her. Following her every move and giving her thrills. The tracks creaked as the monster reached into the station and sped past her like a scythe wielded by the devil himself.

    She pounded onto the strips of metal, shimmering in the darkness and flew along the spine of the earth her heart pounding and gushing, racing the beast that sped above her. In a split second it was gone into the black hole, she could not see it but could sense another one and braced herself before her rush and in the same moment as the train hit the air in front of her she leaped onto the underside of the beast and felt the heavy air hit her at full speed. Her cloak of silk smoothened out and her bloodshot eyes gleamed in the darkness before her.

    Then she fell, her body twisted and writhed before hitting the floor and she awoke seconds later in the darkness and stumbled off back into the gloom. Away from the world and the fear and the tunnel. As her paws plodded along the dusty surface, passers by stared up at her then walked by. The night grew darker and she sat there as still as her shadow. Once the streets were deserted, and night was at its full power, she relaxed her eyes and made her way down into the gloominess of the underground. Her whiskers flexed and twitched with the lights flickering and making forms in the puddles that she so feared and rippled with every drop of blood.

    The ground grumbled and shivered as the escalators rolled into the unknown. Every jalt and movement sent shivers along her spine whilst the demons stood below and watched her. Following her every move and giving her thrills. The tracks creaked as the monster reached into the station and sped past her like a scythe wielded by the devil himself. She pounded onto the strips of metal, shimmering in the darkness and flew along the spine of the earth her heart pounding and gushing, racing the beast that sped above her.

    In a split second it was gone into the black hole, she could not see it but could sense another one and braced herself before her rush and in the same moment as the train hit the air in front of her she leaped onto the underside of the beast and felt the heavy air hit her at full speed. Her cloak of silk smoothened out and her bloodshot eyes gleamed in the darkness before her. Then she fell, her body twisted and writhed before hitting the floor and she awoke seconds later in the darkness and stumbled off back into the gloom. Away from the world and the fear and the tunnel.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The drum kit Essay (1000 words). (2018, May 02). Retrieved from

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