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    The Difference Between Hobby and Passion

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    There are many people who have found what they are passionate about, and many that have not. Have you found yours? Everyone has to find their passion. It is a word that is most often used in the wrong context such as a job or a hobby. In reality, passion is a strong emotion burning inside of you for something. Until you have felt what it is to have a passion, you won’t know what your purpose is in life. To achieve this discover what sets your soul on fire and makes you strive for greatness. Most of us will reach a point in our lives, if not already, where the desire to leave behind the humdrum to live a life you love is strong enough to where you can’t ignore it. Something that frustrates and keeps you up at night, and may also make you anxious as you notice the time to pursue it is quickly slipping away as you sit confused.

    A passion is not a hobby nor is it a dream, it is a desire fueled by a strong desire or goal that gives you purpose. By having this, you will receive the greatest results in life. While climbing the mountain to success with a fire burning inside of you, you can persevere even when it gets rocky. To become a successful individual, it requires guts, grit, and glory will make its way to you. Every person has the ability to design what kind of life they want, but the secret is ambition. Ambition backed by drive is the main key to fulfilling your purpose, whether it be a life of wealth or simply being a content individual.

    My passion for animals, specifically horses and riding, came out of the blue. I had always enjoyed the animals my parents provided for me at a very young age, but it wasn’t until I realized I loved to compete with a teammate with four legs and a heart of gold. After a year of training my first barrel racing horse, God blessed me with a faster, more powerful horse that could take me to the next level in the sport of rodeo. The more I entered and competed in barrel races and rodeos, I realized that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. As my desire to succeed increased, I found myself qualifying and winning large rodeos that I never thought I could compete in as a rookie. My point in explaining my discovery of true passion, is I believe that everyone needs to feel the joy and fulfillment like I do in whatever their heart desires. One way to find something that invigorates you is to try many things. Before I found what I love, I tried everything! From snowboarding to wakeboarding, track and field, dog training, show jumping and even drag racing competitions.

    Also always remember to stay true to yourself. You’re entitled to change your mind and you should always follow your path. Often people try to limit themselves after they’ve invested much money in what they thought they wanted and end up feeling stuck, but that shouldn’t stop them. Another way to find your passion is to let go of fear. There are so many people that pass up amazing opportunities all because they couldn’t see past making that first step or they worry about what others will think. Some people will never “understand” you and your visions and that is okay. It’s not for them to understand, it’s your insight. If you spend less time explaining your dreams and surround yourself with successful or positive people, you’ll find that you’re inadvertently setting a higher standard for yourself.

    Being passionate about something is vital to your well-being, not just your health.

    One advantage of having a passion is maintaining a keen brain! Those who stay intellectually engaged develop memory loss much later as they grow in age. People with an optimistic mindset are more prone to living a healthy lifestyle such as exercise. Being happy and staying active releases endorphins, and in some cases, it can lower your blood pressure. Having a passion gets you out of bed in the morning, and by doing so neurochemicals are released making you feel healthier.

    Passion is powerful because it drives you to become a better version of yourself. Once your passion is identified, it will propel you to seek continual self-improvement. The more success you reach, the more you want to drive. Being successful is addictive, in the way of desiring the greater things in life. When one does not have something to strive towards or know their purpose, that is where trouble occurs. It can lead to depression, illegal behavior, or simply a poor outlook on life.

    Rather than pursuing the pleasures in life, pursue a life full of greatness and successful steps towards a goal. There are no shortcuts nor are there formulas to finding your purpose, but by putting your greatest efforts towards your passion, life will make more sense. Never underestimate your dreams, goals, or most importantly your passion, because when you seek those, it is power.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Difference Between Hobby and Passion. (2021, Mar 30). Retrieved from

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