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    The Definition of Friendship Essay

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    One of the main spiritual needs of human is communication. Communication with those, whom you can trust, who will always understand and support, whom you can rely on in any life situation. That’s exactly a definition of a true friend – sincere, loyal, decent. In our modern world, it’s hard for a person to find such a friend, but what is even more difficult, is to lose a friend through a trifle, not to “change” relations with him. A true friend is a person, with whom both, joy and sorrow are passing together as in the movie, and which, in joys and sorrows, remained close.

    How can we define friendship? This is a rather difficult and at the same time such an important question. There is a friendship, for example, between people from different countries of the world, but there is also one that unites people forever. Wherever you are, you will always feel the friend’s shoulder, feel his support, help. One of the worst things in human life is to lose a friend whom you knew and trusted. And if your friend suddenly finds himself in trouble somewhere on the journey, or in a football game, in the movie or with his girlfriend you, without thinking for a moment, will come to his aid.

    True friendship requires self-sacrifice. It is necessary to put the interests of a friend next to your own, to be able to refuse something for the sake of another. A friend is someone who will give the person what you expect from him. Just remember that:

    -A friend is the one who enters your door when the whole world comes out of it.

    -A friend is the one who knows all your shortcomings and loves you.

    -A friend is the one who accepts you in the way you are.

    Friendship is one of the finest feelings given to a person. Friendship is a manifestation of human life. Only a person can associate, sympathize with, and cuddle. The question is only whether he can do it truly, sincerely, with all heart. They say true friendship knows no boundaries, restrictions in the distance, in age, rights, and privileges. Ability to rejoice in the success of others, to support, to settle, to help, to understand – that’s what a friend is.

    Friendship is something that can create real miracles. And if people have good friends, the world will become much better and brighter, full of friendly feeling, and peace and harmony will flood across the planet. Different people define friendship in different ways. For someone, a friend is a person with whom you can go on the journey, watch a football game, talk about his girlfriend, have a friendly feeling, or discuss the most interesting moments in the movie. But a true friend is something deeper. A friend is someone, who will support and help in the hard moment, as well as share happiness, for example with his girlfriend.

    Friendship demands a lot because it is associated with responsibility. After all, in order to really feel the state, the mood of a friend, you must pay attention to your buddy, at least have time for this. Otherwise, you can say frivolously: he is my friend … And that will be only words that are not filled with content.

    It’s very difficult to understand immediately who is a real friend. It takes some time; you need to survive some life situations, whether with his girlfriend or at a football game. Friendship helps us to survive loneliness, which we all sometimes feel.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Definition of Friendship Essay. (2018, Aug 23). Retrieved from

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