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    The Condition of Women in Samuel Richardson’s ‘Pamela’ and Fakir Baykurt’s ‘Tirpan’ Essay

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    Women is benefit by the society from the past to now. This state of affairs is for sex and labour. Society sees adult females like a goods and can purchase them with money. Harmonizing to work forces, adult females are sex stuff and slave. Womans who downtrodden, is married by parent. After that, they kill themselves because of this state of affairs. This status is normally in the eastern societies. Then, adult females ever want to be from upper category so ; they are exposed to sexual maltreatment. In 18 century, adult females are accused with witchery and they are roasted alive. Besides, adult females who want to populate alive, they are accused with witchery. In this term, hapless peasant adult females who want to acquire aid from church, they have sexual relationship with priest and cook. Harmonizing to this state of affairs, while work forces give in to enticement, adult females who sell themselves for nutrient, are devil and they are nail person to the wall. In West, sees that adult female an object for work forces.

    In this paper, I will analyse Samuel Richardson’sPamelaand Fakir Baykurt’sTA±rpanand so I will knock of two novel about adult females is benefit sexual maltreatment and labour. Besides I will advert “The status of adult females in society.” And besides, I will compare Pamela and Duru .

    1. Fakir Baykurt

    He is a Turkish novelist in 19. yy. He mentions live of small town to novels. He begins write verse form. He is inspired Orhan Veli. He represents pastoral novel. After 1950, he writes fresh and narrative. He died in 1999.

    2. TA±rpan

    Musdu who is landlord of Evci small town. He has money and lands. Duru who is from Gokcimen small town, she is really beautiful miss and she is 13 old ages old. Musdu sees Duru and wants purchase her. Duru and her female parent do non desire but her male parent accepts this state of affairs because of his friends. In small town, some of individual, conceal Duru but Musdu find her. Then, Duru and Musdu acquire married. UluguAY grandma helps Duru . She tries to forestall Musdu. Grandmother says something about Musdu to Duru . Because this state of affairs, everybody and Duru will acquire rid of Musdu.

    The work forces who take money, when they give gold for their household, who like a miss and he can transport miss. Then they go to imam and get married. After that, adult females can worked by work forces and arrive some babes. After many old ages, Womans who are from Gokcimen, when get old, work forces go to Gokcimen and sell another adult female for themselves. Everything is change bur this state of affairs is non alteration ( Baykurt, 1 ) .

    As you see, adult females are goods in their society. They can sell to work forces as goods. And besides, Women accept as can work and utilize. However, work forces use to adult females for sex. They ever think

    themselves non adult females. Men want many babes from adult females but merely they want male. If babe is girl, they will act severely so, they are married by their household but normally they marry work forces who do non desire.

    My maestro gave me more all right things. He called me up to my late lady ‘s cupboard, and, drawing out her shortss, he gave me two suits of all right Flanders laced caput apparels, three brace of all right silk places, two barely the worse, and merely tantrum for me, ( for my lady had a really small pes, ) and the other with shaped Ag buckles in them ; and several Ribbands and top-knots of all Colours ; four brace of white all right cotton stockings, and three brace of all right silk 1s ; and two brace of rich corsets ( Richardson, 16 ) .

    Mr. B gave something to Pamela and she accept their. She wants to be from upper category and take a hazard of everything. And besides, Mr. B becomes severely things of Pamela because he gives white cotton stockens. Cotton stokens is particular of adult females and Mr. B knows this state of affairs but he does non desire reveal.

    Kabak Musdu is really rich adult male. He has Equus caballus and he ever goes to with Equus caballus in small town. He goes to in Ankara and KA±zA±lca every hebdomad. He sells patridge and honey to Cankaya. And besides, he sells violet chou, lamb, fresh butter, sort of cheese and sock and everything… Are you acquiring it? He has much profusion. He is proprietor of many edifice land. He likes that money safe. One twenty-four hours, he will be advantage to us, excessively. There are client for your girl and you still thoughtfully! Never head. Good fortune with it. Then, Duru who heard that, becomes sad and shouting ( Baykurt, 20 ) .

    In this citation shows us that men’s money is really of import in society. Oppression of society force many things. Kabak Musdu is rich individual so he is so attractive for people because of money. Actually, work forces who travel everyplace become informed for people. Some of adult females marry work forces who rich like Kabak Musdu. For case, Pamela because she tries to get married his maestro call as Mr. B. However, there are adult females who do non desire marry like Duru because she is so immature and she has non some purposes about marry like Pamela. Duru is great illustration of pureness.

    My wife’s unwellness acquiring proceed because of unwellness she can non cook and cleaning. As you know, I have ever guest at my place. There are non adult female who can cook. And besides I feel severely against to my friends ( Baykurt, 8 ) . I mentioned in abstract that, adult females see as goods and they can sell and utilize by work forces. When they are old, they can alter with new one. Women are used for both house labour and sexual relationship by work forces.

    Mr. B wants to get Pamela and he purposes a contract. Then he direct contract to Pamela ; he writes, if you are my kept woman, I will take money, apparels, gem and besides fiscal possibility for your parent ( Richardson, 225 ) . Pamela does non desire because her purpose is matrimony and she want to be from upper category and this state of affairs will go with matrimony. In this portion, Mr. B wants benefit from Pamela but she does non let. Financial possibility is really attractive to adult females so, Mr. B thinks that Pamela accepts this state of affairs. In this state of affairs, Mr. B becomes fail.

    I wish you really much. I like you. Musdu hugs Selver and caresses her legs. Then, Musdu says that I will come once more for love you. He kisses her lips, eyes and ears. You are so sweet and fantastic adult female. Be your hubby recognizing your sugariness’selver becomes emphasis. He once more kisses her lips. I will come once more for gustatory sensation her. You look like young person of Duru . If she sweet likes you, I will be happy ( Baykurt, 37 ) .

    Although Selver is married woman of his friend, Musdu uses Selver for sex. Selver does non desire that, but Musdu forces to Selver. And besides, he is sexual relationship with Selver. However he still think that Duru . This state of affairs sees that Musdu’s purpose is sex. He thinks severely and harmonizing to his, he buys everything with his money. Actually, society sees that. He ever thinks about that because of society.

    One dark, Mr. B enters to in secret Pamela’s room by the aid of Mrs. Jewes and he assaults to Pamela. She swoons and Mr.B leaves entirely to her ( Richardson 256 ) . Mr. B wants to populate sexual relationship with Pamela like Musdu but Pamela does non desire. As we see, work forces accept adult females as goods. This idea still continues.

    In two novels, we see that adult females are same in two societies. Harmonizing to society, adult females who are downtrodden and used animals. In TA±rpan, while Musdu represents to east, In Pamela, Mr.B represents to west but sex and adult females are same in two society. While, Money is really attractive for many people but it is non attractive for some people. For case, Pamela wants get to Mr.B for being upper category, on the contrary Duru refuses profusion and being upper category but subjugation of society, her male parent wants accept of this state of affairs. YanarateAY says that, “According to society, adult females are ever weak and demand of protection but work forces are symbol of power and money” ( 15 ) . Harmonizing to work forces, adult females are created for work forces but this state of affairs are non true. Actually, adult females are defenseless so, they are saw that destitute to work forces.

    Duru and Musdu acquire married. One dark, Musdu slumbers and Duru comes along with him, she stabs to swath of Musdu’s belly. Musdu tries to shout but he can non because Duru ties his oral cavity. She once more stabs to swath. After that, she takes package and goes out from place ( Baykurt, 256 ) . However, Duru does non desire Musdu and she saves herself and peasant from Musdu. And besides, she ne’er does non flinch. In this state of affairs shows that Duru is really powerful adult female. She begins release.

    Mr.B sends an battle to Pamela and this is a prenup. Pamela accepts to this battle. Prenup includes appanel, reference, household and maintain house ( Richardson, 395 ) . Pamela acquires what she wants. In this manner, she will be upper category. She immediate accepts battle. Although Lady Davers does non desire to this matrimony but they get married in secret. Harmonizing to this state of affairs, Pamela is powerless adult female because she is defeated to petitions.

    In decision, as I mentioned both in two novels, adult females who are people benefited and weak. From past to now, society expressions at adult females as downtrodden work forces marry in order to hold regularity in their life. On the contrary, downtrodden adult females try to order men’s life but this nonsensical state of affairs. This state of affairs shows that work forces can non populate without adult females but so they are non value. Lots of adult females see matrimony as release but really this state of affairs limits their freedom. For case, although Pamela sees matrimony as freedom, when she married, her freedom was limited by Mr.B. On the contrary, Duru ne’er wants to marriage, for that affair, when she married with Musdu, she kills him and she additions her freedom. The society in which money is of import, adult females involvement in work forces with money as Pamela.

    Work Cited

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    The Condition of Women in Samuel Richardson’s ‘Pamela’ and Fakir Baykurt’s ‘Tirpan’ Essay. (2018, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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