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    The Book Thief: Concentration Camps and Death Marches Essay

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    World War II was a grave event in the twentieth century that affected millions.

    Two main concepts World War II is remembered for are the concentration camps and the marches. These marches and camps were deadly to many yet powerful to others. However, to most citizens near camps or marches, they were insignificant and often ignored. In The Book Thief, author Markus Zusak introduces marches and camps similar to Dachau to demonstrate how citizens of nearby communities were oblivious to the suffering in those camps during the Holocaust. Much of The Book Thief revolved around a common German family hiding a Jew. During the Holocaust and the book, Jews and other people seen as insignificant were imprisoned in concentration camps.

    Max, the Jew that the Hubermanns were hiding, could cause them to get into deep trouble. However, they still hid him. The Hubermanns lived in a town close to a concentration camp and often saw marches of prisoners through town. Even with a potential prisoner living in their residence, the Hubermanns, along with most everyone else in Molching, were unaware of the events that actually happened in the concentration camp and marches. Dachau and its sub camps were awful places in general, but living as a prisoner in these camps was even worse, just as the marches were. The physical characteristics that made up Dachau and its sub camps were horrifying.

    The prisoners that had to face the extreme conditions of camps were certainly not oblivious to everything that was happening. Marches were a significant part of prisoners’ lives during the later parts of World War II. Lives of prisoners during World War II were horrendous throughout. This was the life Max most likely endured after he left th. .

    les/Janowitz%20on%20Nazi%20Atrocities. pdf>Lowenberg, William (Bill). Interview. Holocaust Encyclopedia. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

    1993. 15 Mar. 2014.

    ushmm. org/wlc/en/ media_oi. php?MediaId=2496>Lynch, Pat. Interview. Holocaust Encyclopedia.

    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 1995. 15 Mar. 2014.

    Peyton, Dallas.

    Interview. Holocaust Encyclopedia. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 2004. 19 Mar. 2014.

    Sachar, Abram. “The Liberation of Dachau.

    ” Jewish Virtual Library. The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. Web. 15 Mar.

    2014. Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief.

    New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005. Print.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Book Thief: Concentration Camps and Death Marches Essay. (2019, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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