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    The Bill of Rights: History of the United States

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    Through out the history of the United State of America many events have been seen and passed, all to leave their mark with our nation. As time ages people change along with our government. Many of these changes occur in our government affect our daily lives. Impacts of these severities are a direct result of our ever changing Amendments, which our Founding Fathers layed apon us. The Constitution said by many to have “stood the test of time” has lasted through many centuries through the use of the ever flexible amendments.

    During the earlier eras of the United States of America, few had hope in the idea of a government with a central power in the thoughts of the confederates. Although time in and time out this idea seems to be banished within the shadows of the proven government. The constitution changing frequently in order to adapt to quickness americcan life. By the use of amendments The bill of rights Essay are extended and modified to mold and shape to the society and its nearby surrounding.

    Ideas conveying the change include the thirtenth Amendment which put an end to slavery and all of its extensions in eigthteen sixty five. The southern states of the nation were allowed to enforce unwilling labor at little or no cost at all to the owners. By the end of the inhuman tradition suggested the nation was snowballing into revolution of change which allowed the government prove their ability to keep current with society. Along with the gaining of Blacks rights and the abolishment of slavery came the granted right of voting. Black citizens were bared from voting until late eighteen seventies. The fifteenth amendment offically proctected the Black man right to vote and also allowed congress to “pass laws needed to enforce this amendment.

    ” Clearly one is able to view the Constitutions ability to mend the Bill of rights with amendments to grant a viable form of justice. Blod manuvers from the governmnet, has displayed to the society as well as the nation, protection is granted to where is most important. Our granted rights changing in time. Recent periods of evolution and application of our Civil constitution does not date far into our nations history. Amendments have altered the way inwhich citizens vote and gain the ability to vote. In the early nineteen seventies an age of eighteen years old was set to allow one to cast their vote in natioal, state, and local elections.

    This in turn occuring due to the increase in number of adolesences formulating their own opinions during the times of extreme liberalism. Less than ten years before, was the twenty fourth amendment whih ended poll taxes to allow all of the impoverished people and lower class to vote at any federal election. Many before the viewed poll taxes as a sign of racism and segragation because a vast majority of immigrants and blacks were unable to cover for these such expense. Many also viewed voting as a luxury during these past times. Between these laws and rights, the meaning of the vote has gained the attention, power, and balance of everyone in the nation, who believe in our government. The society which has been set by our “founding fathers” has created a constitution which remains balanced, checked and altered from people’s everyday actions.

    Nearly two hundred years old, The Bill of rights stand as a sign of freedom and equality which has the ability to mold to societies needs. By the use of Amendments the constitution has become ;testable through time; with standing a new frontier of the world each day, year after year. .

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    The Bill of Rights: History of the United States. (2019, Mar 21). Retrieved from

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