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    The beginning of the Act Essay (920 words)

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    The Iceberg is small from the top, and big from the bottom, and this shows that it isn’t easy to break or to go through it, just like the Inspector. The family cannot stop the Inspector from answering his questions, ‘Is there any reason why my wife should answer questions from you, Inspector? ‘, and for his tone of voice, ‘(angrily) Inspector. I’ve told you before I don’t like your tone nor the way you’re handling this inquiry. ‘

    The Iceberg is harmless but frightening; this is because it doesn’t look dangerous when you are close to it. When you are close to the Iceberg, it is frightening and scary because it’s so big and still, you are wondering about all these thoughts in your head like what it might do. The Inspector is not like this but he is similar to the Iceberg. This is because he isn’t scary when you look at him or isn’t still all the time. When the Inspector has a conversation with a member, at first doesn’t seem harmless or anything.

    When the truth is spoken by a family member or the Inspector, it frightens them, ‘(distressed) Sorry-I-well, I’ve suddenly realized-taken it in properly-that she’s dead-‘ These all show that the metaphor is like the Inspector in the play, and that he is harmless but as you get to know the Inspector, he is frightening. In the play, dramatic technique is used. This is because it builds up the atmosphere and the tension. These are the two points to dramatic technique, and it makes the play more exciting and interesting.

    Stage directions, punctuation, sentence structure, and the characters building themselves up do dramatic technique. These are all included in the play, so that when you read the play you would want to read further. As you are reading the play, there are many stage directions. The stage directions, tells you about the characters feelings, emotions in there mind and there body expressions, ‘(with a cry), (miserably)’ etc. Those stage directions builds up a mood in the Act and the audience, i. e. everybody is shocked in the dinning room.

    When you are reading the stage direction and then you read the play line, you would read the line as if it was real and that if you are part of the play and it makes you to picture yourself in the scenario. The punctuation in the play, exclamation marks, question marks, commas and apostrophises, this helps when you are reading because it would be easier for you and also it helps you to understand what they are saying. This is because when there is the punctuation it makes you think about the sentence, you tend to have a quick think about it so you understand what they are saying.

    The punctuation also builds more of a realistic story so that you feel that you are involved in the play. The sentence structure in the play is simple, and is not lengthy. There are some parts in the play, which have long paragraphs, but it doesn’t have it all the way through the play. The play gets straight to the point that it wants to. In the play, the Acts break up so it is easier to know where the Act begins and ends. At the beginning of each of the Acts, there is an introduction. The reason for this is that it’s telling you about the scenario of the beginning of the Act.

    The first Act has a long introduction because it’s the beginning of the play and you would want to know who they are and briefly know about the characters. In the second Act, there is a short introduction also in the third. This is because it wants you to know the mood at the beginning of each Act, so it tells you where they are standing at the beginning and who they are looking at. This is because it helps you to visualise and to picture rising it in your mind so you know how the scenario would look like.

    The relevance for the metaphor “Iceberg Right Ahead” to the plot of the play is that, when the metaphor is shouted out in the film there is similarity at the end when the phone rings. This shows that in both occasions they are scared and terrified. In the film, they are worried about what might the iceberg do to the ship and in the play, they are worried about who is on the phone and what the person might want. The relevance to the characters is that the reactions and the attitude to what they hear from each other scares them. This is because when the metaphor is said in the film, the person’s reaction is that he is shocked and worried.

    In the play, the characters are shocked when someone says the truth about Eva Smith and how they let her down in a way in her life. The family are shocked by the news that the family member gives, and they have a little cry over it, ‘(with a cry) Oh-Eric-how could you? ‘ and this shows that what has happened to him and the feelings in there mind. There are many different ways that dramatic technique is used, quick questions, expressions by the stage directions short sentences and the punctuation used. These all make the play more interesting and exciting, so that you can picture the play in your mind when you read.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The beginning of the Act Essay (920 words). (2017, Nov 04). Retrieved from

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