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    The Battle With Grendels Mother Essay

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    The Battle With Grendel’s MotherWhen Grendel’s mother found Beowulf running around on her ground, she picked him up and took him to a high arched building with a large battleground. She clawed at his mail shirt, but it did not affect him. The mail shirt was too strong for her to penetrate her fierce claw through.

    They fought and wrestled for quite some time. They wore each other out, she would try to tear him apart, but the mail shirt stayed sturdy and strong. She bit holes in his helmet. When Beowulf realized that his weapons were useless, he threw down his sword and decided to try using his fists instead. He picked her up by the shoulders and knocked her to the floor. That still wasn’t enough to stop the angry beast.

    She got back up and began to tear at him and seemed to be in a larger rage than before. He was getting weak, but still had too much pride to give up. She threw him down and grabbed a knife. She put her weight on his body.

    Standing on his back she tried to put an old, rusty, crusted, bloody blade through his back, but the mail shirt once again protected him. It was then Beowulf realized God wanted him to defeat this creature. He got back up and spotted a sword hammered by the giants. It would take a great strength to pick up the sword, but Beowulf did it. He cut through her with the sword, killing the disgusting monster.

    He walked along, and found Grendel’s body. He decided to take his head back and celebrate his victory. He cut off the head and, heavy as it was, made his way back to his people, and they all celebrated the defeat of the hideous monster.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Battle With Grendels Mother Essay. (2019, Jan 20). Retrieved from

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