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    The American Dream Of A Job Securitys Essay

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    Since the beginning of time, people have always had one goal and that goal is to be happy. For some people, happiness is easy to obtain and for others, it is a work in progress. It can be argued that in order for the average person to be happy they must make the American dream of a cushy job/job security, a lot of money, a huge savings account with thousands of dollars, a trophy wife or husband, a big house with a two or three car garage and two or three well behaved children a reality. Ironically, there are those who have a different definition of the American dream that have absolutely nothing to do with the aforementioned but they still manage to live well and wake up in a good mood every day. Happiness is what we create for ourselves.

    However, no matter what a person does, they will never be completely happy because there is always going to be something that is going to derail that happiness. Post explained “a person can be happier if they did something of value like servicing other people or doing volunteer work which has been known to help those who do it live happier lives” (Post 68). So the question remains, are there different avenues for seeking happiness, is there a way for people to truly be happy; this question seems almost impossible to answer. It is argued that people do not need a lot of money to be happy, making other significant changes in their lives would allow them to be happy and live happily as well. Happiness does not have to be a goal that people obtain after they step on or run over someone else, happiness can be obtained by changing and doing little things. Start small and be thorough!From an average person’s perspective, most people are happy with being loved by everyone, having all of the good luck i.

    .concentrated on making myself happy; this later led to me finding the woman I was going to spend the rest of my life with. Stevenson and Wolfers explain, “money does not equal happiness, only a person’s sense of self and attainable goals equal happiness which they do find” (Wolfers 1). The reason why it is so hard for people to be happy is because they want to concentrate on living in a perfect world where their heart’s desires becomes reality, anything different from that and they justify it with anger along with counterproductive violence. People want more of what they want and less of what they can get, when a person is so adamant about getting whatever they want at any cost then it puts them in a state of deep unhappiness. People need to concentrate on trying to find a middle ground, those who compromise, find true happiness.

    Perfection does not beget happiness!

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The American Dream Of A Job Securitys Essay. (2019, Feb 14). Retrieved from

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