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    The Advantages of Traditional Mentoring and Self-Mentoring

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    The Invisible Leader as well as the online articles, the benefit of both types of mentorship is evident. Traditional one-on-one mentoring can be beneficial to those who may not be aware of who they are and what strengths they possess. On the other hand, self-mentoring is a great opportunity for individuals to grow as a person and hold themselves responsible. Using both self-mentoring and one-on-one mentoring are rewarding practices that help individuals grow personally and also become successful within the professional field. However, each practice does so with different approaches.

    I believe that certain individuals, who may not be aware of their capabilities or strength, should have a mentor in which they can rely on to lead them to success. This is more beneficial than self- mentoring in the initial stages of growth, since people may not be capable of holding themselves accountable. I believe people benefit more from mentoring with another person to become knowledgeable enough of their strengths and talents, and then one day can properly self-mentor. For instance, in the article Self-Mentoring: Getting Promoted from the Inside Out, LeeAnn Mallorie stated that “a mentor can tell you how they got there, but they cannot tell you how you should get there” (Mallorie, 2016). A mentor can be beneficial in pointing you in the right direction; however, it is your responsibility to get to that end goal. Without understanding your strengths, you cannot engage in self- mentoring to reach said goal.

    I think one-on-one mentoring would help me on both a personal and professional level. If paired with an appropriate mentee that matches within the dyad (Carr, 2015, p. 34), I believe that a one-on-one mentorship could help me grow as an individual. I am not necessarily one to have authority over a group of people. I often doubt my leadership and social abilities. Having someone to help guide me through difficult situations could be a beneficial start to understanding the traits I have to offer. Having guidance within a “foreign place” would help me to feel more comfortable in my skills and more confident in myself (Carr, 2015, p. 33.) With this growth comes the ability to hold myself responsible for self- mentoring.

    I believe that self-mentoring is something that would first benefit my personal growth, which would then subsequently help with my professional development. Carr states, “you much already be or learn to be confident in who you are and who you want to become. Self-mentoring is as much about the person you are in the present as it is about being able to project into the future to see the person that you aspire to be” (Carr, 2015, p. 23).

    This accurately presents the idea that one has to fully understand and respect themselves before they can decide to grow as a person or leader. Like mentioned before, having a mentor could help me realize the strengths I possess. This in turn empowers me to act on these strengths. In the long run, this would help me develop a plan for success within my professional world. Both one-on-one mentoring and self-mentoring have their benefits. One-on-one mentoring allows you to have a person to fall back on and to hold you accountable. They help guide you in the direction of success. On the other hand, self-mentoring helps you grow individually as a person.

    However, you are the only person holding yourself responsible for your growth. I believe that both forms of mentoring are mutually beneficial to one another and are both necessary in order to become successful.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Advantages of Traditional Mentoring and Self-Mentoring. (2022, Nov 29). Retrieved from

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