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    America In The 1960S Essay (1308 words)

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    The 1960’sLuke Laubaugh3-11-99research paperrough draftThe 1960’s was a decade that forever changed the culture and society of America. The 1960’s were widely known as the decade of peace and love, not because the world had become a utopia but, in my opinion, because of the heavy use of the popular hallucinogenic drugs by the American youth.

    In reality minorities were struggling to gain freedom from segregation and thousands of American soldiers and Vietnamesecivilians were being killed in the highly disputed war in Vietnam. On February 20, 1960 four black college freshmen from the Negro Agricultural and Technical College in Greensboro, North Carolina quietly walked into a restaurant and sat down at the lunch counter. They were protesting the Jim Crow custom that blacks could be served while standing up but not while they were sitting at the lunch counter. The students quietly sat there politely asking for service until closing time.

    The next morning they showed up again accompanied by twenty five fellow students. By the next week their sit down had been repeated in fourteen cities in five deep south states. In the weeks to follow many new protests arose. After a black woman was beaten with a baseball bat in Montgomery, Alabama, 1,000 blacks silently marched into the first capital of the Confederate states to sing and pray.

    Six hundred students from twocolleges walked through the streets of Orangeburg, South Carolina with placards that exhibited phrases like ?We Want Liberty? and ?Segregation is Dead. ? By late June some kind of public place in over one hundred and fifty different cities across America had been desegregated. John F. Kennedy was never able to gain enough support to pass a civil rights bill during his short time in office, but Lyndon Johnson drawing on the Kennedy legacy and the support of the nation succeeded in passing the bill.

    The bill passed 71 to 19, four more votes than required. By early 1965 a new black leader had arose, whose name was Malcolm X. His gospel was hatred and his motto was; ?If ballots won’t work, bullets will. ? Malcolm X was a former pimp, cocaine addict, and thief. He started a militant, all black group called the Black Panthers.

    On a bright Sunday in a ballroom in Manhattan in full view of 400 blacksMalcolm was murdered. Three men casually walked down the aisle; and from eight feet opened fire with sawed-off double barreled shotguns. Malcolm was killed by a pair of point blank range shots to the chest. On March 12, 1965, U. S.

    Highway 80 was blocked by sixty state troopers who stood in a wall three deep 400 yards past the Edmund Pettus Bridge, which crosses the Alabama river. When black marchers came within 100 yards the troopers were ordered to put on their gas masks. At twenty five yards the marchers stopped. Seconds later the command ?troopers forward? was barked. The troopers moved in a solid wall pushing back the front marchers.

    At 75 yards the troopers were joined by posse men and deputies with tear gas canisters, in seconds the road was swirling with clouds of smoke. The mounted men brought out bull whips and began beating the marchers. Never in history had the American public responded with such fury. Over 15,000 thousand people marched in five different cities across the country.

    On Sunday, March 21, 1965 a crowd of 3,400 marchers lead by two Nobel Peace Prize winners, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Ralph Bunche, departed from Selma on their four day march to Montgomery. They were accompanied by 2,900 military police, U. S.

    Marshals, and FBI agents. The goal of the march was to serve the governor with a petition protesting voter discrimination. When the crowd reached the capital the governor reneged and blandly told them ?the capitol is closed today. ?By August of 1965 riots began to erupt in Los Angeles.

    At the end of one week there were 27 dead, almost 600 injured, 1,700 arrested, and over $100 million dollars worth of property damage. The riots were finally stopped when 5,000 national guardsmen were called in from around the country. No one actually knows what started the riots, but some blame it on the heat wave that was hitting Los Angels and others blame it on the irritation of the urban blacks because of their isolation and poverty. By the end of 1966 the federal government was getting fed up with the lack of obedience by some school districts in the deep south that were refusing to desegregate schools.

    They decided to take action and cut off all federal funding to six more districts bringing the total to 37 southern schools without funding. Though losing funding many schools were still segregating students. In Louisiana only 1 in 28 black students attended school with whites, 1 in 31 in Mississippi, and only 1 in 42 in Alabama. The Los Angeles ghetto of Watts plunged into anarchy in 1965 after a black man named Marquette Frye was arrested for drunk driving.

    After six days of rioting ended a total of 35 were dead, 900 were injured, and there was millions of dollars worth of property damage. A Cleveland ghetto broke into rioting after a white bartender denied a glass of ice water to a black man. In Newark, New Jersey some of the most violent race riots broke out after a black cab driver was killed by white policemen. At the end of the week there were 21 dead, over 1,000 injured, and at least 1,600 arrested. Property damage was once again in the high millions.

    By 1967 forty five were dead and property damage was up to almost one billion dollars. During the summer of 1967 riots intensified in Detroit. By the end of one week 41 were dead, 350 injured, 3,800 arrested, 5,000 homeless (mostly blacks), 1,300 buildings completely destroyed, and 2,700 businesses ransacked. Property damage reached an astonishing $500 million dollars.

    It was a brisk spring night in Memphis as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood on a second story balcony discussing the next week’s march on Washington with his colleagues. Suddenly a single shot broke the silence of the night air. King’s co-workers thought it was some kind of bad joke until they saw him lying on the ground in a pool of blood with a bullet hole torn through his neck.

    In response to the shot some thirty Memphis police converged on the building. Somehow, possibly on purpose, all thirty policemen missed the shooter. The weapon used to kill King was a scope-sighted 30. 06 cal. Remington pump rifle. The range from which the shot was taken was a short 205 feet.

    After King’s murder rioting took place in scores of cities around the country. The United States had a simple yet bloody goal in Vietnam, to keep the communists from acquiring South Vietnam. The U. S. had three main avenues to help South Vietnam resist communist guerrilla attacks: 1) The dispatch to South Vietnam of U. S.

    operational personnel; 2) Reconnaissance missions along the border of North and South Vietnam; 3) Bomber strikes at Communist guerrilla bases. The U. S. expected to win the war with the Viet Cong within three years with high but acceptable causalities. In reality the U.

    S. lost the war and had a casualty count of a devastating 58,148 dead. In August of 1969 a historical music and arts fair in Bethel, New York took place. It is commonly known as ?Woodstock. ? Over 400,000 people showed up at Woodstock, most between the ages of 16 and 30. Many were said to be attracted by the all-star cast of top rock artists that included Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, the Who, the Jefferson Airplane, and Bob Dylan.

    To many adults of the time Woodstock was simply a freak out, a ?monstrous Dionysian revel,? where a group of drugies got together to drop acid and groove to hours of ?amplified cacophony. ? In reality the impact Woodstock had on the youth culture can hardly be overestimated. In closing,the 60’s was in one perspective, a decade of peace and love, but in another perspective a decade of war and struggle.

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    America In The 1960S Essay (1308 words). (2019, Jan 01). Retrieved from

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