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    1) A system in which a number of independent computers are linked together to share data andperipherals, such as hard disks and printers4.

    _____ _______ may qualify you for additional degrees or more advanced technical positions. . 5 points5. What are five soft skills that are important in a team environment? 2. 5 points6. List the layers of the OSI model.

    3 points7. “In order to allow the OSI model to more closely adhere to the protocol structure and operation of a local area network. . .

    ” 8. Without ____, you could not design a network because one piece of hardware might not work properly with another. 2 points9. In the following figure, the X represents the ________ of the simplified data frame.

    2 pointsXData Sent by Source10. Connectivity devices, such as bridges and switches, work in the _____ layer. 2 points11. The primary function of the _______ is to translate network addresses into their physical counterparts and decide how to route data from the sender to the receiver. 2 points20.

    a. Access Methodology is one type of topology discussed in the chapter. It is based on sharing media through different forms including CSMA/CD and Token Passing. In CSMA/CD the sender listens to see if someone is already “on the line” with the designated carrier. If the data cannot be transmitted the carrier returns a jamming signal in which the sender interprets and the process is repeated after some time. In Token Passing a monitor from client to client.

    The client with the token is the only one with control of the network. When there is a break in transmission, the token continues being passed along the network. This method works better with larger systems. b.

    Logical Topologies are methods of transporting data from one workstation to its destination. In the sequential method, or ring logical topology, the data is passed from workstation to workstation until one recognizes the data as being meant for it. In broadcast method, the data is sent out to the entire network and each node decides if the message was meant for it. c. Physical Topologies is the physical connections between the workstations. Most often these are in the star layout with a server as the center and workstations branching out from it.

    There are however the bus (computers in a linear arrangement) and ring (computers joined on both ends creating a loop) layouts with less effectiveness. 22. The figure below is a description of a _______________________ topology. 3 points24. c. A hub failure cannot disable a LAN segment25.

    The figure below describes a ________________________________ topology. 2 poin1)IP convergence by building a high-speed ATM network designed to handle data, voice, and video. 2) Next year GPB will add voice to its network. GPB will add a Mitel SX200 PBX which will connect its voice system to its membership server.

    1)Microsoft Office, Oracle database. 2)Real Networks RealVideo server, online video editing and exchange. 1)They decided that ATM was the only technology that would let GPB send voice and video on the network over which all of its data is running. It was best suited to handle multiple protocols and highspeed multimedia applications. 2)In desktop application it is indeed rare.

    1)They offered products at 1/3 list, and Madge was only major player supporting Novell’s IPX protocol. 3)ATMs multiprotocol support allow it to run IPX as well as other applicable protocols. 30. a.

    What is its purpose?b. How many users/stations ? c. Will there be application/file sharing? d. Where will data be stored (server, client, etc)? 31.

    a. How much expansion is expected?c. ability to share hardwared. centralized administration and supportb. ability to work as part of a team. c.

    excellent communication and documentation skills36. A router forwards packets between layer three segments based on the layer three network address. 37. a. allow multiple users to share applications39. List and discuss the three LAN models 6 points40.

    Explain the difference between full duplex and half duplex transmission. 4 points41. Rules purely market driven for how communicating hardware and software components talk to one another. 3 facto protocolsc.proprietary protocols55 – What is a fileserver’s main job? 4 points56 – What are four reasons that file services are the foundation of networking today? 6 pointsBibliography:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay Test. (2019, Jan 14). Retrieved from

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