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    Terrorism Has Been a Serious Problem in All Countries of the World

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    Recounting a plot means narrating a specific experience or something to another person or telling other people what happens in a film. While analyzing a film, it implies an examination of something or situation in details using methodological methods to interpret it. The film ‘The Battle of Algiers’ brings out many issues that entail terrorism, politics, and ethical issues.The scenes of torture brought out in the film without considering the effects they would have on the emotions of many people. Terrorism has been a significant problem throughout all countries in the world and over the time has been condemned because of the torture and pain it inflicts people resulting in suffering. Movie reviews only take the essential points and teach them, and in the process, they end up distorting the vital information. The scene of the American military faces the effects of terrorism is a clear picture that the film supports the action which is wrong.

    The film “The Battle of Algiers,’ recounting a plot narrates specific experience or something to another person or tells other people what happens in a movie. It could either be a story or narrative while analyzing a film meaning as examination of something or situation in details using methodological methods to interpret it. Recounting the film entails an explanation of what succeeds in a film enable viewers understand. To review a film means to address the advantages or disadvantages of one or more issues in a film by conditioning where the filmmakers might have gone wrong and what they did correctly. To analyze a film means to go into details about what a movie talks about to interpret it to viewers.

    Film analysis, unlike movie reviews, brings out given details of a film analyzing all the critical issues brought out in a film through interpreting and explaining the primary aspects to the people who want to know. The issue of terrorism and politics has been brought out in the film ‘The Battle of Algiers’ and it has proved to support terrorism which should not be the case because such issues are contemporary to the society (Joshi, Das, Gimpel, & Smith, 2010). The scenes of torture to the military are not bringing a good picture since terrorism is condemned. The film “The Battle of Algiers” teaches about terrorism and the action is wrong since it posts a bad picture to the society.

    The scene on the American history that faces the wrath of terrorism conveys a picture of the film which wrongly supports the act. If I wrote a paper on the battle of Algiers, my argument could be on the French foreign mass which fled Vietnam due to defeat. War is a nasty act that sullies and harms everyone involved. The scenes of torture were brought out in the film without considering the effects they would have on the emotions of many people. This also happens to the military where they are murdered without mercy. And it shows the support for terrorism since people suffer as a result of the act.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Terrorism Has Been a Serious Problem in All Countries of the World. (2022, Mar 23). Retrieved from

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