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    Talent and Ambition Through Poor Decision Makin

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    Most teenagers look forward to the experience college offers and the success such as education will bring after graduation, however, many fail to understand the hard work, determination, and resilience it takes to receive a gift. A college education, in its simplest form, is a gift. For myself, getting into the college of my dreams and expanding my horizon has been a goal of mine for as long as I can remember. For my family, college never seemed important or necessary because neither of my parents attended. I have always envisioned myself making a difference in this world and using my experiences to better society, because if not me, then who?

    My mom got pregnant with my oldest brother at a very young age and although she was a hairdresser I noticed how she always pushed me to accomplish more because she was living vicariously through me. Her decisions had drastically impacted her future, and I learned through her that I had the potential to succeed in life and achieve my goals because she had not gotten the chance to do so herself. Furthermore, my dad never went to college because he learned a trade at a young age; therefore, growing up I also learned that I was being given the opportunity to make a better life for myself than my parents had been given. I was both blessed and equipped with the necessary tools, finances, and support to receive a college education and play a sport I love with a passion. I started playing soccer at the age of five, and developed a love for the game almost instantly. Soccer has been both my escape and my peace since the second I stepped foot on the field for the first time, and it has also taught me important life lessons and character building techniques.

    Being on the school varsity soccer team for four years in addition to being chosen as the team captain for my senior season has both inspired and empowered me to set higher goals for myself and to lead by example. I have learned excellent time management skills and have worked extremely hard to challenge myself academically and physically in school and on the field. If not me, who would have changed the entire dynamic of the Bensalem Girls’ Soccer team and established teamwork and communication skills? I have put endless hours and effort into growing as a player and a teammate as well as staying on top of my school work, working a part time job, and remaining involved in my family life.

    I have witnessed several of my siblings along with other finally members waste their talent and ambition through poor decision making, and I have worked too hard in my four years as a high school student to ensure a successful future for myself. I have seen too many people in my life give up the opportunity to accomplish something great due to battles with addiction, teenage pregnancy, and other harmful life choices. At the second youngest of eight children I have grown up surrounded by supporters and motivators who wish to see me succeed, but who have also taught my valuable life lessons through their own successes and failures. By getting into the college of my dreams, I am succeeding for not only myself but my whole family.

    Going to college and playing collegiate soccer is just another goal I have set for myself that I know I can accomplish if given the change. If not me, then who will be the next female to impact the lives of other women on a soccer team? If not me, then who will be the change I know I can make in the world.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Talent and Ambition Through Poor Decision Makin. (2021, Jul 30). Retrieved from

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