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    Taking Risks Essay (531 words)

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    There are numerous of different risks people are faced with throughout their life. In some cases risks are what help define who we are, or are simply just obstacles that conquer us or we conquer. There is a reason why some of the world’s most accomplished individuals are those who have suffered greatly and risked much to achieve their greatness. Manny Pacquiao views his talent in boxing as a gift that pushed him to strive and take risks .

    He started with nothing however, became a national treasure and of the millionaires around the world. We are afraid to take risks because of the struggles that comes with it but the adversity in life is what shapes to better ourselves and those around us. In both “Breaking through- Uncertainty- Welcoming Adversity” by Jim McCormick and “Neighbors” both propose that there is benefit in taking risks. In the story of “Neighbors” Lien Chao demonstrates the beneficial impact that taking risks can have on others.

    Additionally, while McCormick presents the benefits he received by willingly participating in a risky sport that nearly killed him, Chao presents a more relatable story of an immigrant, single-mother who takes risk to better her condition in life. Though the life experiences of the authors are different, they both have a valuable advice about the benefits derived from risk taking. Both articles suggest that the first step in risk-raking is to overcome our insecurities and to recognize our problems in order for it to be solved.

    When McCormick’s parachute was tangled beyond his ability for it to fix it, he says “it was hard for me to believe I had really encountered a problem I could not solve” but he had acknowledge his inability to solve the problem. In Sally’s situation she accepts the invitation to go watch fireworks with strangers, because “she wants to buy a vacuum cleaner and she needs advice” She knows the only way to solve her problems is to ask help from strangers who know the stores and understand their pricing.

    The rewards of admitting they needed help were immediate: Jim deploys his reserve parachute and survives, while Sally learns what “refurbishing” means, met new friends and is given a free vacuum. The parallelism for both article also teach us that when we take risks it is important to trust ourselves and our experiences. McCormick acknowledges that his experience of his “ingrained training” allowed him to pull the right handle in the right order to save his life. Sally’s experience allowed her to overcome her feelings of “inadequacy” in order to risk accepting Elizabeth invitation.

    In addition to Sally’s situation she was able to teach the elderly a lesson about the struggles of being an immigrant and single mother. The articles both provide a powerful arguments for the benefit of risk taking. McCormick and Lein chao demonstrates that the motif of risk taking is always present that will have a negative and positive impact in our life. Like Sally situation, most of us will feel discomfort and inadequate in order for something better for ourselves. After all if we don’t take risk how will we ever be Manny Pacquiao and be the next millionaire?

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Taking Risks Essay (531 words). (2018, Jul 26). Retrieved from

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