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    Supervisors Time Management as Perceived by the su Essay

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    bordinatesTIME MANAGEMENT OF SUPERVISORS AS PERCEIVED To my Lord who pity my weaknesses, protects me in the hour of danger, and save me in the moment of peril.

    And to Grace who complement in every way To GK Club Officers: Dio. Exe for sharing ideas, never stop bugging me to finish this study and help encode part of it; Mr. Q’s example of stability under pressure enabled me to realize that I could never comply to course requirement unless to organize and set priorities, Grace for being a supportive partner, and Shannon and Waiver in their diligence to pause for intermission. To Dr. Virgie Rosales for increasing my enthusiasm to pursue beyond what I can bear.

    To Jaymer Jayoma’s effort in distributing and collecting the questionnaires. To my dearly beloved Sisters Monette and Grace. To all the people of the Department of Agriculture who in some way or another had assisted or contributed in making this paper possible. And to Him who is able to keep me from falling and to present me before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy – to the only God my Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ my Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. 1.

    Distribution of Respondents by Age112. Distribution of Respondents by Sex113. Distribution of Respondents by Rank124. Distribution of Respondents by Civil Status125.

    Distribution of Respondents by Working Status136. Distribution of Respondents by Religion137. Distribution of Respondents by Salary138. Respondents’ Perceived Degree of Delegation14 Towards Time Management by Supervisors9.

    Respondents’ Perceived Degree of Planning14 Towards Time Management by Supervisors10. Respondents’ Perceived Degree of organizing15 Towards Time Management by Supervisors11. Respondents’ Perceived Degree of Controlling15 Towards Time Management by SupervisorsTime is a paradox. The solution to the paradox of time, then, is to focus on the most important things. One of them is realizing that there is always enough time for the real essential matters. Time possesses another paradox – it disappears anyway.

    The attitude toward time is also affected by the fact that time is free and equitable. Everyone receives exactly the same amount each day. Since quantity of time is immutable, quality is the only changeable variable. Managing time means adapting to its passage in some appropriate, satisfying manner. The only way to manage time better is to spend time in appropriate way and consummates an exact amount.

    In other word, increasing time commitment. Managing time to accomplish important objectives requires careful planning. Overwork is often the result of failure to delegate and establish proper priorities -spending too much time on details, trivia, and sloppy work habits. Probably spending much time on relatively frivolous undertakings.

    Delegation creates total responsibilities. It is finding people to assist in carrying the load and to accomplish a certain task. Since delegation is time-bound, it is important thereof to consider it subjectivity to time. There are three components of good delegation: responsibility (identification of the duties to be performed), authority (commensurate power to perform the duties) and accountability (requirement that the subordinate render a proper account and report on the status work delegated). A subordinate who fails to report properly, and provides unsatisfactory accounts, is unworthy of the trust delegated. In delegation, a leader should keep in mind two principles: First, to push responsibility as far “down” the management pyramid.

    Second, the leaders task to decide which decisions should be made by what members of the team, when to act and to verify if it were performed properly Planning requires objectives, without objectives, nothing to plan. For managers, it is virtually impossible to achieve carefully determined objectives without planning. Planning need not be a complex attempt. It is simply thinking about the future in a systematic way. It bridges the gap between the present and the desired objectives. Unless there is some way to bridge this separation, you well never be able to reach the destination.

    Thus planning crept in. It is a central factor in all time-management success stories and a road map to accomplishment and result, for it gives control over the most valuable resource-time. Planning time means setting timeframe or a time to the planned task. Time is the limiting factor; therefore, a plan must be built around the most critical element-time. To manage time is to control time.


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    Supervisors Time Management as Perceived by the su Essay. (2019, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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