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    The Sun and The Moon script Essay

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    Winnie-(Moon) Kson-(Sun) Noel-( Pluto???) Zelly- (Earth) W: Hi, Sun! Good morning, do u have a wonderful dream last night? Haha… K: Of course! And now it is a sunny day again! Can u see? Those human being are swimming and they feel so good in the earth. W: Oh! Really? But don’t u see when they are sleeping, how comfortable they are! K: But I don’t think so. Every time when they play, the Earth is so happy and the human being will so enjoy. Do u know why? It is because of my power! Haha… W: WHAT? Your power? Of course not! Haven’t u see when they are sleeping? They all have a good dream, and the Earth is sleeping comfortable.

    Z: You all are so troublesome,can u just give me a moment to take a rest? W: Okay, Earth. Let me give u some sunshine, so that u will feel comfortable. K: Get off! Sun. Let me give u a good night. W: No! Sunshine. K: NO! Night! W: NO WAY! Sunshine. K: NO! NO! NO! Z: Can u all just shut up’sometime it is a sunny day, and sometimes it is at night. U all make my world becomes crazy!!! W: Sunshine… K: Night… Z: Please…can someone helps me?! Call them go away!!!

    N: What happen, Earth? Are you okay? Z: Not really…The sun and the moon are arguing! And they almost make my world crazy! N: Really? It seems terrible. Let me help you! W: Sunshine… K: Night… N: Hey! Can u all just stop? W: Can’t u see we are having a competition to see who is the best, Pluto? K: Yes! Pluto, u just leave us alone! N: Of course not! Can’t u see the Earth are going to be crazy? And she is crying!

    K: Oh really? But we must know that who is the best! N: Actually, u all are the best! The Earth need all of you! W: Really? But we two can’t stay together! How can the Earth need us? N: Oh…Ermm… I know! The sun can stay in the morning, then you can give the sunshine to the Earth. K: So, how about me? N: …You can stay at night, and the Sun takes a rest. W+K: That’s good! W: So.. u belong to the morning, Sun. K: And u belong to the night time, Moon. N: So every time, when it is morning, u can see the Sun; and when it is at night, u can see the Moon. Z: And now I live happily forever!

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    The Sun and The Moon script Essay. (2017, Oct 02). Retrieved from

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