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    Steroids Essay

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    Mafia HistoryEssay submitted by Victor AvilesWhat is the Mafia’some believe the word Mafia was the battle cry of an Italian rebellious group- this battle of cry was the following: “Morte all Francia Italia anelia!” (Italian for “death to the French is Italy’s cry!”) (www. Others defined the Mafia as, name for loose association of criminal groups, sometimes bound by blood oath and sworn to secrecy. (Microsoft Encarta 97). Despite both of these definitions the Mafia has evolved into a very complex and organized society of crime. Present time it doesn’t represent Italian gangs, (even though that’s what most people picture) it also includes Russian, Japanese and Chinese gangs just to mention a few. The purpose of this work is to describe some of the aspects of the Mafia. Throughout the course of this work I will use the Italian Mafia as my subject in order to exhibit my views more clearly.The history of the Mafia is sketchy but many believe that the Mafia was born in order to protect and help the less fortunate. The methods used to help and protect were, and still remain illegal. Today, the organization still continues to practice these acts or “rituals.” The difference between early Mafia and modern Mafia, is that during late 1800’s to early 1900’s, the Mafia used these illicit crimes to help their families and the noble good less fortunate, now they abuse their power and distribute the “dirty money” in abundance amongst themselves. (keep in mind that the Mafia was born in Sicily, in a time where authorities weren’t accessible).The Mafia also has a very organized family tree. This tree includes everything from bosses to soldiers. Soldiers usually belong in the bottom. Followed by these are called “enforcers”. They usually serve as bodyguards or bouncers who watch and protect their establishment. These enforcers are able to have their own gambling or other financial establishment. They are also able to hire others to carry out tasks. Above enforcers are commissioners. They control the area of the city and are more widespread. Next is “The Boss”. He controls one of the several organizations. Ultimately these are controlled by the godfather. Many times these Mafiosi have what is notoriously known as “Murders Inc” (Italian Mafia). This group of individuals specialize in murders. They consist of a small group of heartless individuals who kill whenever ordered to. In order for an individual to join the Mafia he would pledge the following: “I (name given) want to enter this secret organization to protect my family and to protect my brothers. “Morte alla Francia Italia Anelia!.” With my blood (a knife is used to place a cut in the index finger or band) and the blood of all the saints and the soul of my children. (the sign of the cross is made) I swear not to divulge this secret and obey with love and amerta. I enter alive in this organization and leave only in death! ( Within this pledge there are many clues which reveal the lifestyle of a “Mafioso.”A person who belongs to the Mafia, or Mafioso is a very secretive person. This is because if any information is revealed which may harm another Mafioso, they be punished by death. The value of silence is a requirement of any Mafiosi, it is a norm of those who participate in criminal activities and those who violate it will be punished according to the grade of the offense. Depending on the offense he may have to prove himself to his boss, may be “out on the street” (the American Mafia) or if it was extremely important information, he would be killed. This information is kept within their own families (fellow gangsters) and is discussed amongst themselves despite the fact that there are several other families (chapters) within the same are or state. The reason for this is mainly concerned with financial situation.The murder, if done, may be completed using several methods. One method is by hiring someone, usually from another family, to kill the individual. This is the method most commonly used when the individual knows most of the Mafioso’s in his family. Another way may be to be “set up”. In this case

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    Steroids Essay. (2019, Jan 31). Retrieved from

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