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    Free Essay Example: Star Wars (1940 words)

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    It centers around Luke, his sister Princess Leila (although he did not find out she was his sister until the sat movie because they were separated at birth), their friend Han Solo and his companion named Chew (a Woke whom he saved). Together, and with the help of droid’s 23RD and CAPO, the three attempt to overthrow the Empire, which is the dark side government in power over the universe. The success of these movies was more than Lucas had ever dreamed for, and he was financially set for life.

    In 1994, Lucas began writing a fourth installment in the Star Wars series. He decided that he would create three new prequels which would tell the story of Star Wars before the dark side ruled the galaxy, These movies would focus n the tragedy of talented Jed Nanking Kowalski and his turn towards the dark side (and later become Dearth Evader). So the new movies are titled episode one through three and the older movies are titled episodes four through six.

    Here is a complete list of the Star Wars movies: Star Wars Episode l: The Phantom Menace Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones Star Wars Episode Ill: Revenge of the Sits Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope Star Wars Episode V: Empire Strikes Back Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jed The Star Wars movies are indeed one long Story Of tragedy. It is the tragedy Of Nanking Jaywalker’s life as he turns from a hopeful Jed toward the dark side, later becoming the ruthless Sits Lord, Dearth Evader.

    EPISODE I Let me start out by giving PU a somewhat obvious background of the time Star Wars takes place. The entire universe is under one government known as the Republic. Within this government is the ruling body, known as the Senate, Each planet has a politician who represents them within the Senate. The Senate has a position similar to that of a president, although this person is called the chancellor. Peace and balance is kept within the Republic by a respected class known as the Jed. The Jed are very wise and skilled in combat.

    They use “The Force” which allows them to have a psychic sense, control objects with their mind, and fight exceptionally well. Their weapon is known as the lightfaces, which is viewed as an elegant and respectable way of combat. A person is chosen to train as a Jed if they have show exceptional Jed instinct and are in tune with the Force. Those who are Jed were born to be Jed, it is simply their calling and talent. You start as Pedant learner and train under a Master Jed until you are skilled enough to be granted the title.

    The Senate is overseen by respect Jed Who form the Jed Council. Heading up this council is respected Master Wood, only two feet tall and almost nine hundred years old. His wisdom is infinite and he is seen as the most skilled and father Of all Jed. Mace Window is also a main member of the council (he’s the black guy with the purple lightfaces). The Force is divided by those Who use it. There is a Light (good) Side Of the Force, and a Dark (bad) Side of the force. Those who are of the Dark Side are known as Sits.

    In the Sits, there can be only two main members at a time. The Sits master is Dearth Sides (who is later known as the emperor when he rules the universe) ND he has an apprentice. Dearth Sides is actually a senator named Palatine who is a well respected member of the senate, Therefore, the dark side is secretly looming in the Republic, and ultimately leads to its downfall by the third movie. The Republic is currently in turmoil, There are many planets who want to be free of the Republic and are leading violent separatist movements to break away.

    Palatine is supporting these movements in order to grow in power within the Republic and eventually turn the universe over to the Dark Side. That is his ultimate evil plan throughout these movies, although it is unknown by the Jed Council because the power of the Dark Side clouds their vision. Quiz Goon Jinn is an old Jed master who has an apprentice named Obi Wan Kenton. The two of them embark on a journey to end a crisis in the Trade Federation. They encounter Queen Amid of a planet named Nabob, vivo is a young female politician in search of ending these separatist movements.

    Therefore she is unknowingly in danger Of the Dark Side because she leads such an active role in peace. On the planet of Taxation, Quiz Goon and Obi Wan encounter a young slave boy named Nanking Jaywalker Who is exceptionally talented at Pod racing. Quiz Goon can sense hat this boy is very naturally in tune with the force and predicts that he will one day restore balance Within the Republic. He takes Nanking With them, in hopes Of pleading with the Jed Council for permission to train Nanking as a Jed. By the way, this is where we meet druid CAPO, whom Nanking built.

    Dearth Sides sends his apprentice Dearth Maul (red face, double sided light saber) to stop Quiz Goon and Obi Wand’s mission and kill Queen Amid, since they are trying to restore peace. If they had succeeded, Dearth Sides would not have gotten to rise to power. You see, all great dictators in history arise from conflict within a government. So therefore, Palatine (Dearth Sides) is in support of the separatist revolts because through them he can gain power. Well, Dearth Maul kills Quiz Goon and is killed himself by Obi Wan.

    Quiz Goon’5 dying words are pleading with Obi Wan to train Nanking because he is the “chosen one” to restore balance in the Republic. This is where the movie ends, Obi Wan is now a Jed who is training young pedant Nanking Jaywalker. Dearth Maul is dead, and a separatist leader named Dearth Tyrants (Count Took) takes his place as the Sits Apprentice under Dearth Sides. Basically, it they’re named “Dearth,” they’re probably bad. That is all to tell really about this first moue_ It was highly criticized by Star Wars fans (primarily due to the annoying Guan named Jar Jar Pinks) and not a very good start to the prequels.

    It is labeled as the worst Star Wars movie. Palatine (Dearth Sides), later known as The Emperor Dearth Maul Obi Wan Kenton EPISODE II Quiz Goon Jinn Padre Amid The story has progressed ten years. Nanking is now nineteen years old and continues training under Obi Wan Kenton. Nanking is headstrong, arrogant, and suffers pain inside for leaving his mother to start a life as a Jed. The separatists eave built a druid army and planning to attack the republic. The exhausted Jed are outnumbered and there is talk of the need to form a Galactic Army to defend the Republic.

    Padre Amid has ended her term as Queen and become a Senator. She was headed to the senate to place a vote against the formation of a Galactic Army and almost assassinated twice by a Bounty Hunter named llano Feet (although no one knew who was behind the attempt), Pedant learner Nanking Jaywalker was assigned to be her personal protection and accompany her back to her home planet of Nabob_ Once there, the two fall for each other spite the rules regarding Jed to be forbidden to love.

    Nanking keeps having dreams of his mother and Padre accompanies him back to his home planet of Taxation to see if she is still alive. Once there, he meets his mothers new family Who tells him that she was captured by Tuscan Raiders. Nanking pursues these animals and finds his mother who dies in his arms. He then slays all of the Tuscan in cold blood, including the women and children. This is where we first see Manikin’s evil nature and need to be all powerful. He resents Obi Wan and feels he is holding him back.

    Meanwhile, Palpating is promoted to Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and continues to stir up trouble with the separatists using his new apprentice Count Took (once a student of Wood). Obi Wan travels to the planet of Camino and learns of a clone army being developed to aid the Republic. They are all clones of a man named Jingo Feet (the Bounty Hunter). Obi Wan recognizes him and confronts him with a duel. Jingo and his son Bob escape, but Obi Wan put a tracking device on their ship.

    He learns that the Jed Council never approved such an army to he built (the army was built under the secret order of Palatine). Following’s Feet to the planet of Sessions, Obi Wan is captured by Count Took and learns of an army of droid’s he has built to aid the separatists. Nanking and Padre try to tree Obi Wan, but are captured as well, Mace Wind, Wood, and the Clone Army battle the separatist druid army to save the trio and the Clone Wars has begun. Now, the Clone Wars are essentially a battle of the Republic (and their clone army) and the Separatists (and their druid army).

    This afar avgas created behind the scenes by Palatine to gain power. You see, because this is a state of emergency, the senate granted Chancellor Palatine full power. He is now a dictator and his taking over the Republic has gun (although no one yet knows he is evil and of the Sits). Nanking and Obi Wan battle Took and Nanking looses his left arm (replaced by a mechanical arm later on). Wood comes to the rescue and fights Took, although Took escapes. The Clone Wars have begun, and the Dark Side has complete power of the Republic.

    It is Obvious that now the Story Will continue With Episode Ill: Revenge Of the Sits (in theaters) where the Sits will dismantle the Republic completely and create The Empire. Nanking and Padre married in secret at the end Of Episode II. The Clone Wars have begun. Count Took Nanking Jaywalker Mace Wind The saga will continue with Episode Ill. Obviously, using the older movies which follow a later storyline, we know what will happen. Nanking and Padre will give birth to twins Luke and Leila.

    Nanking will be guided by Dearth Sides (Palatine) and turn towards the Dark Side of the Force. The Republic will be dismantled now that Palatine has supreme power and the evil Sits Empire will take its place, with Dearth Sides as the Emperor. Those clones will become the Storm Troopers, personal arm,’ of the Emperor and the Jed will be deemed enemies of the new government. After Took is killed, Nanking turns to the Dark Side and comes Dearth Evader, apprentice to Dearth Suicide, The Jaywalker twins will be separated when babies.

    Luke will be taken in by Manikin’s stepbrother Owen Cars, who’s father married Manikin’s mother before she was captured. Leila will be brought up a princess by a man named Organ. Respected Jed will go into hiding and each one will die, including Obi Wan Kenton who dies at the hand of his own pedant Dearth Evader (Nanking) in Episode IV. Although dead, Obi Wan continues to guide Luke as a ghost in the later movies. And remember Wood? Once a respected Council member winds up dying at almost one thousand years Old hidden away in a hut from the government he used to love and honor.

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