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    Star Wars and Odyssey Comparison Paper Essay Example

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    Luke gets ladled to adventure when his aunt and uncle get killed and he no longer has a home. (Star Wars). Odysseus gets called to adventure by his king to fight In the Trojan war. (The Odyssey). These stories are similar besides just following the cycle: both men go out and fight for something that they truly care about;for Odysseus its his family and getting home ,but for Luke its saving princess Leila and helping the rebels. Both Luke and Odysseus had to pass or fail certain tests. Likes test was to learn the force. As Luke continued to excel as a hero the Force came along with him.

    Odysseus test was to see it he would thank the gods for allowing the Greeks to win the war, (The Odyssey), Odysseus never thanked the gods therefore Poseidon punished him by forcing him to be lost at sea. In the epic hero cycle there is one event called the supreme ordeal. Supreme Ordeals are the high point of the adventure, RSI when the tests that the hero went through either let him live or let him die. In Star Wars the supreme ordeal is when Luke, Han Solo, Chewable, and Princess Leila are trapped in a garbage compactor. (Star Wars). In the Odyssey the Supreme Ordeal is when Odysseus asses back through the Charladies.

    The last thing that needs to happen in order to finish the epic hero cycle is flight. Plight is when the hero leaves Where the supreme ordeal takes place. In Star Wars the flight occurs when the rebel force blows up the death Star. (Star Wars). In The Odyssey the flight occurs when Odysseus kills the suitors and reclaims his home. Goes to Troy to fight a war and get lost at sea for 20 years. In Star Wars Luck is of their universe. The Odyssey and Star Wars follow the same basic cycle. Both order to start the epic hero cycle you must be called to adventure. Luke gets home. (Star Wars).

    Odysseus gets called to adventure by his fellow kings, (The Odyssey). These stories are similar besides just following the cycle: both men go out and fight for something that they truly care about, Both Luke and Odysseus had to pass or fail certain tests. Lake’s test was to learn the force. As Luke continued to excel as a hero the Force came along with him. Odysseus’ test was to see if he would thank the gods for allowing the Greeks to win the war. (The Odysseys Odysseus never thanked the gods therefore Poseidon punished him by forcing him to be lost at sea. In the epic hero cycle there is one event called the supreme Ordeal.

    Supreme Ordeals are the high point Of the adventure, it’s when the tests that the hero went through either let him live or let him die. In Star Wars the supreme ordeal is when Luke, Han Solo, Chewable, and Princess Leila are trapped in a garbage compactor. (Star Wars). In the Odyssey the Supreme Ordeal is when Odysseus passes back through the Charladies. (Homer, 1081). The last thing that needs to happen in order to finish the epic hero cycle is flight. Flight is when the hero leaves where the supreme ordeal takes place. In Star Wars the flight occurs when the rebel force blows up the death star. (Star Wars).

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    Star Wars and Odyssey Comparison Paper Essay Example. (2018, May 21). Retrieved from

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