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    Sociological Aspects of Sports Researchs Essay

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    1. Cite the article that you find using APA 6th ed. Format: Fox CK, Barr-Anderson D, Neumark-Sztainer D, Wall M. Physical activity and sports team participation: associations with academic outcomes in middle school and high school students. J Sch Health.

    2010; 80: 31-37. 2. What is the research question and/or purpose statement of study? What are the hypotheses? “The purpose of this study is to examine the associations between sports team participation, physical activity, and academic outcomes in middle and high school students. ” (Fox, Barr-Anderson, Neumark-Sztainer & Wall, pg. 31).

    The hypothesis of the research was that there was no doubt about the academic benefits of physical activities and sports team participation, but one would produce a greater impact on the academics of high school- or middle school-aged young adults. This is not blatantly stated, but is implied through the introduction of the project. 3. List the specific information that the authors provided about the participants of the study: The participants of the study were very diverse.

    50. 1% of the participants were males and 49. 7% were females, while the other 0. 2% was either unspecified or there was a misprint in the data. These participants were from the age of 11 to 18, with the average age being 14.

    9 years of age. 33. 9% of the students were middle school age, while the 64. 8% were high school age. 48. 5% were white, 19% were African American, 19.

    2% were Asian American, 5. 8% were Hispanic, 3. 5% were Native American, and 3. 9% identified themselves as other or mixed ethnicities. The group was also broken down by class, which was estimated by a few key factors: highest level of education attained by parents, family eligibility for public assistance,.

    . uthors discussed the possible benefits of studying not just the amount of sports team participation and hours of MVPA, but the relationship between cardiorespiratory exertion during physical activities and the academic performances related to the amount. This might determine if there is an optimal level of activity which may confer improved academic success. I agree with this. I had not ventured to think about other research that could branch off of this. I expected their results to be as they were, and I did not learn very much, except that sports teams participation is better for academics than simply moderate to vigorous physical activities.

    Works CitedFox CK, Barr-Anderson D, Neumark-Sztainer D, Wall M. Physical activity and sports team participation: associations with academic outcomes in middle school and high school students. J Sch Health. 2010; 80: 31-37.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Sociological Aspects of Sports Researchs Essay. (2019, Feb 19). Retrieved from

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