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    Skills for Application Developing

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    Being a Application Developer is not as easy as it seems. Most people believe that being a Application Developer is easy and that all you need to be a Application Developer is how to use a computer and how to come up with ideas for an app. What being a Software Engineer really means, is that you need to know how to read and use code as if it were your second language. You will also need lots of experience and other things that cannot be easily gotten. I will tell you these necessities and other vital things that all Application Developers will need to be successful and to stand out from the rest.

    A Application Developer as stated by Snag, is “Application Developers are the minds and fingers behind the greatest games, email and word processing functions that are available today.” , this is totally correct, because a Application Developer is the foundation of a great and successful application. They create, test and program applications for computers, phones, and other devices. These people are very important for companies and corporations so that they can grow and can look professional. Applications are used in almost any device, they can be a big application like a search engine or a small application like a stopwatch, applications are everywhere. Application developers normally work in teams to create or edit applications for the public or to create specific applications for a customer. To be a successful application developer you will have to know how to understand coding and how to use code to create or change a application.

    We all know one of the reasons to be a Application developer is the pay, Application developers get paid on average $43.52 an hour and overall $109,520 per year. For this high pay you will need a bachelor’s degree in computer science and a strong knowledge of computer programming. To make good quality applications you need to be able to understand what a customer wants and what will benefit them for what they want. They must be able to share their ideas and to explain what they imagine to other developers and coders.

    Application Developers must be creative and imaginative to intrigue customers and to keep their customer rate steady and hopefully raise it. Another good quality needed is to have good communication skills so that the Developer can understand what the customer wants, answer customers’ questions, and also fix issues explained by the customer. It is crucial for them to have problem solving skills so that they can fix problem that might arise with their applications or problems that might arise with co-workers in a fast and smart manner. They also cannot be selfish and need to listen to their co-workers by being open for suggestions and ideas. They should not be judgmental and should think of people by their personality and not by their looks. These Developers use various programs to create successful material.

    As said by “professionals must familiarize themselves with the top frameworks to succeed.”, This sentence means that they must be very adept with the application making software in order to succeed. Application developers need patents to stop others from copying their creations for a certain time, on average this time would be around 20 years. Depending on their degree level Software Developers can pursue a variety of career opportunities, although a master’s degree would be preferable and would help you get the job over a person with a mere bachelor’s degree. There are more branches of Application development such as being a computer programmer, which is mostly centered around modifying, writing, and debugging software for server applications. They also perform maintenance monitoring and use code to write networked, multi-threaded server applications. There is also a Sr. Software Developer/ Application Developer that tests and writes down performance on new software that had been made. They also supervise and review the work of junior engineers to guide them in the right directions and to fix rookie mistakes.

    They also simplify technical specifications to manage priorities and project timelines. They use source debuggers and visual development to better the quality of their work. A Computer system analyst is a person that studies the network and the systems for performance, security, and other important issues. They are the people that upgrade, install, and configure existing hardware, networking, or computer software. They also translate project requirements into technology specifications. Quality assurance engineers are the people that participate in customer audits and prepare monthly quality assurance status reports. They also train new personnel with quality assurance requirements. They make tests to locate problems within software before it is launched and identify bugs during and after a software’s launch has happened.

    This proves that being a Applications developer is no easy job and requires a lot of skills. From the beginning of Applications in 1987, they have widely advanced and optimised to today’s class of devices. Being a Application developer is a job worth having if you like computers and feel like making things is your type of job. If you wish to become an Applications developer, start now, do not wait until you are older, like Jim Highsmith once said “The best way to get a project done fast is to start sooner.”.How do you think Application Developers will change the future of evolution?

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Skills for Application Developing. (2021, Aug 26). Retrieved from

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