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    What is Sir Gawains True Personality Like?

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    Sir Gawain has two sides to his personality. The first side to Sir Gawains personality is the way in which everyone else expects him to be. Sir Gawain has a certain honor to uphold as the noblest knight of the Round Table. Sir Gawain is expected to be chilvarous by being courageous, loyal, honest, courteous, the best at everything in which he attempts, and have a strong will to resist temptations of evil nature. Everyone believes Sir Gawain to be the perfect epitome of the knights. The way that Sir Gawain shows his courage and nobility is by accepting the challenge given to the knights of the Round Table by the Green Knight.

    Gawain accepts this challenge to release King Arthur. King Arthur was faced with the challenge and humility because there was no response to the challenge from the knights before Sir Gawain accepted. Sir Gawain also shows his loyalty and honesty by upholding his end of the challenge and making the journey to find the Green Knight and take his return blow of death from the axe. The second side to Sir Gawains personality is the way that he is actually proven to be. When Sir Gawain is tested by fate he reveals that he is just as human as anyone else and shouldnt be put on such a high pedestal of heroics.

    Sir Gawain isnt as honest and courageous as everyone believes him to be. Sir Gawain proves himself to be imperfect. The way that Sir Gawain shows his imperfections is when he succumbs to Bercilaks wifes advances. Sir Gawain accepts the green girdle from her and doesnt tell Bercilak. Sir Gawain is breaking a pact between him and Bercilak and lies to him by omitting the gift from his gains won on that day. Sir Gawain shows another flaw when he shrinks away from the Green Knights first attempted stroke from the axe.

    Sir Gawain feigns a cheerful face but deep down he is full of fear that wasn’t expected from such a noble knight. In conclusion, Sir Gawain is not the perfect knight even though he strives his best to be. Through the Green Knights tests, Sir Gawain is proven to be just as human as anyone else is. The other knights of the Round Table forgive him for not being absolutely perfect and learn from his mistakes and how he upholds his chilvaric code.

    Even though Sir Gawain is proven to be human, he is still in the end a courageous and noble knight. Baldesar Castiglione: The Book of the CourtierDoes everyones ideal leader have the same qualities and talents? How do Baldesar Castigliones courtier compare to Niccolo Machiavellis prince? The courtier and the prince have many similar qualities, but they also have some different qualities that set them apart. The courtier and the prince are similar in their roles of leadership. They should both be strong leaders with good reputations. Both should have virtuous qualities and seem compassionate and not cruel. Both should also be very intelligent in the qualifications of their positions and how to stay in control of their people.

    The prince should have a stronger military background and greater control over others than the courtier who doesnt control as many people. The prince and the courtier are very different in their aspect of how others perceive them and the way that they actually are. The prince should have virtuous qualities, but only to use them to his betterment. This keeps the prince from being marked as virtuous which can only bring him blame or shame. The prince should be thought compassionate and not cruel to gain respect and be feared to stay in control of his people.

    On the other hand, the courtier should show compassion for others and be bold, strong, and loyal to whomever he serves. The courtier should be bold and stern among the enemy but gentle, modest, and reserved with his kinsmen. The courtiers day is expected to have all of the hours filled with honorable and pleasant exercises designed for the body and the mind. These exercises are for the courtier to stay in control and have the respect of his people. .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    What is Sir Gawains True Personality Like?. (2019, Mar 16). Retrieved from

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