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    ‘Silver bullets’ Essay (480 words)

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    The words ‘damaged/ fractured/punctured/broken’ create images describing the ex-soldier physically but also referring to how these words could be used to describe the broken love. Therefore, it has been made clear that the love has become painful and traumatic as a consequence of war. Also, the metaphorical use of ‘frozen river’ and ‘blown hinge’ reflects a war zone. The word ‘frozen’ could reflect how the relationship has become still and lifeless. The narrator states that his Jaw is a ‘blown hinge’, suggesting that he s no longer open to her and unable to talk of his traumatic experiences.

    The image of violence is also incorporated within ‘Quadric’ through a western theme showing the intensity of the relationship. ‘High noon’ and ‘calamity’ implant the image off standoff in the wild west. This image of the standoff is inferred to be comparable to the relationship through the painful arguing that the once desire has turned into. Duffy references ‘hard liquor’ to suggest that the relationship is reckless and has turned into something that is unhealthy also that if love goes wrong it can bring faculties along with it. ‘Manhunt’ is made up of a series of couplets.

    The form of the poem creates a sense of fragmentation and the stages of process and search that the narrator has been through in order to find and heal their love. The series of couplets can be seen as a ladder that she is trying to climb to retrieve love once more, like the image of the ‘broken ribs’. Also, the rhyme scheme is irregular suggesting how the strength of the relationship is constantly changing. There is a personal tone to this poem as much of the topics are personal and it is quite conversational, inferring the Oman is talking to her husband but cannot get through due to his physical and mental damage.

    Similarly, ‘Quadric’ is structured to reflect the love in the relationship. This poem forms a broken sonnet, showing the effects of the broken love. Duffy may have used enjambment between stanzas to capture the idea of relentless pain and that she does not want to finish the sentence and the relationship. The technique of enjambment has been used to separate ‘I’m all’ from ‘alone’ reflecting the isolation the women feels. Simon Remarriage incorporates many elegiac and care adjectives: ‘mind/hold/attend’.

    These words express the women’s unrelenting love towards her husband suggesting she will not give up on him. Also, this care can be compared to the image of war which physically describes the parachute silk of his punctured lung’ and his ‘grazed’ heart. This reference to damaged organs infers that not only has the war physically scarred him but also to the extent of damaging the love- causing pain. ‘Silver bullets’ have been referenced in ‘Quadric’ to explore the theme of painful love. These ‘silver bullets’ capture how

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    ‘Silver bullets’ Essay (480 words). (2018, Jan 22). Retrieved from

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