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    Signifigance Of Disease And Plauge In Hamlet Essay

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    In Hamlet by William Shakespeare, poison and disease both plague the state of Denmark. Relations between characters are corrupt, the people are disturbed and people are killed constantly. What the characters do not know is that this corrupt reign of power will end in tragedy.

    Corrupt minds in Hamlet are provided by Prince Hamlet himself. He portrays an antic disposition in order to gain the advantage inside the castle. Now people in the castle believe that Hamlet is crazy or mad and thinks nothing more of it. Really, Hamlet is just acting this way so that he can spy on other people in the castle. By doing this he finds out who is after him and the identity of the murderer of his father.

    Polonious is one of the people spying on Hamlet to find the source of his madness and says “That he’s mad, ’tis true ’tis pity, And pity ’tis ’tis true” 2. 2. 97-98. Hamlet never stops his act and gets his job done. During Hamlets search for revenge, he also sparks the beginning of Ophelias demise.

    This happens because to insure no one knows that Hamlet is acting as if he is crazy, he only tells his most trusted friend Horaito. Ophelia does not know he is only acting for the possible spies, and takes everything Hamlet says seriously. Ophelia says I was the more deceivedIII. i. 118. After a while of this, including Hamlet yelling at her, the death of her father Polonious by the hands of Hamlet, Ophelia goes insane.

    This is very noticeable because she is constantly singing and her appearance is also more ragged and dirty. She does not even notice her own brother, Laertes, when he returns from school. Shortly after this, Ophelia is found, drown in the brook. Hamlet triggers Ophelias insanity that then leads to her death. While all of these tragic happenings are occurring relationships are also being torn apart.

    Hamlets’ relations with his mother Gertrude are severed. Hamlet believes his mother is disgusting for marrying his father’s brother, two months after his fathers’ death. Rightfully so because traditionally then when people were married their families became considered blood related. So this action by his mother was thought to be incestuous and Hamlet did not agree with it at all. Hamlets’ relationship with Laertes was also destroyed. During an altercation with his mother Hamlet heard a noise behind a tapestry hanging on the wall.

    Hamlet assumed it was the king so he jabbed his sword into what he thought was the king. He was surprised to find that it was not the king, but was Polonious, father of Laertes. Laertes learns of his fathers’ death and returns from school. He eventually battles Hamlet and dies.

    All of these relationships were destroyed do to the actions of the characters themselves. In Hamlet by William Shakespeare, poison and disease both plague the state of Denmark. Relations between characters are corrupt, the people are disturbed and people are killed constantly. What the characters do not know is that this corrupt reign of power will end in tragedy and it all could have been avoided if not for the death of King Hamlet.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Signifigance Of Disease And Plauge In Hamlet Essay. (2019, Jan 18). Retrieved from

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