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    Shelly’S Novel Essay Research Paper

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    The cold passion carries the sound of ego and the dust with another element that is the monster. The unique living creature trapped in human darkness. The day the Ogre took step in this world he became a plague upon mankind. He was the unknown freak to the world but the world was a freak to him. He was a stranger who is intimate to the outcast of the world. Dead nor alive; heaven nor hell; creature nor human. These symptoms work in a cycle since the day an embryo is made. No one exists as dead or alive but if life can be given it can also be taken. Frankenstein’s Monster was given life and therefore his life can be taken away. The Monster was made from organs- benevolence and malevolence was in those bones, this may retire him to heaven or hell. His actions will also decide upon on his placement.

    His brain is a creature but his body parts and organs are from human beings. Who is to decide whether he is a creature or human? Only his performance in life. The merciless creature fell from hell on to the earth’s surface. The living ghost made from organs brought a walking disease. They say a matter cannot be created or destroyed. Then how? Whereby Shelly now declares that past history will be destroyed and recreated. Shelly’s gothic and epistolatory novel conveys how a new species could interfere with nature. Interfering with nature, hell or heaven, is interference with God. That chance could cost you your life!

    Creating life, who could possibly think of this except Victor? He is the creator of the monster. Mankind has taken it as far as genetically modifying people, designing clones and test tubes babies but this is the key to heaven and hell. Victor studied in a scientific environment at Ingolstadt University and was inspired by a professor to study natural philosophy. His destiny was to find the key to life.

    In Shelly’s novel she has three main narrators. They all have an individual role to carry out a specific part of the novel. There combined roles make the function for us. The Monster has a role to inform Victor about the serious situations and the difficulties he is encountering in his life. Victor then has a role to move the story forward and inform the Captain, Robber Walton. He is the conduit of the novel; he follows the command of Victor to tell the story to the reader. Their function is to move the story forward and as individuals their role is to tell their part of the story.

    Shelly’s allegory conveys the consequences when a man is given the ability to create life but misuses it. She gave Vector the potency, the power and the potential of God but she highlighted the threat and danger to the world if it is not used wisely. Receiving this great knowledge his ambition changed to “one though, one conception, and one purpose”. This highlights that his view on life has been taken further and now has the mutuality of a martyr. His belief will fulfill until death embosses over his grave. If his one thought is meet to reality then the world will look upon him as a creator, a god who has the power to give life to the dead. His one and only concept is to create life, which is like taking on the role of god. Shelly’s use of Victor’s character shows how great superior powers can be cause natural events.

    Frankenstein’s monster was distinct from humans even though vast majority of him was human. Physically and mentally he was superior. He had the power of a God. He never evolved. It was like he fell on earth, as an adult and therefore he had no experience of childhood. Physiologists like Freud say that you learn more in the first three years of your life than the rest of coming life. From the day a child is born it learns to eat, walk, sleep and most importantly live in a loving environment. The monster had nothing, he lived of land for several years and only a person defined as superhuman or superior could do such a thing. The monster secretively lived next to a stone cottage in a disused shed. There were gaps between the stones so he observed the Delacey family and learnt to speak, read and the human way to live life. This shows he is a phenomenon of human ability.

    “I beheld the figure of a man… advancing towards me with superhuman speed. He bounded over the crevices in the ice, among which I had walked with caution; his stature… seemed to exceed that of man. This quote comes across as a beast overcoming humans. It seems unstoppable, unbreakable and invincible. “Listen to my tale: when you have heard that, abandon or commiserate me, as you shall judge that I deserve. But hear me”.

    These articulate words from the Monster’s mouth shocked the daylight of Vector as this same creature could only murmur but not only that he had learnt to communicate and at least has the standards of his creator. His isolation was more of a danger to himself, than, others, he needed some one of his kind, someone to love and companion with. Shelly’s statement of a superhuman shows no empathy was given to the monster therefore the monster could evolve even further and destroy a major proportion of nature. Her use of gothic genre shows how disturbing with nature could utterly reflect upon with the civilization.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Shelly’S Novel Essay Research Paper. (2017, Nov 21). Retrieved from

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