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    Self Reflection And Self Awareness Essay

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    When I was told I was required to take this course, Women in Leadership, I was very nervous. I was nervous because self-reflection and self-awareness are not something I focus on often. I tend to worry more about others and their happiness and success, focusing on them instead of myself.

    Some of this may be purposeful, but this class has helped me begin to self-reflect and I ‘ve learned a great deal about myself along the way. I have many values and strengths, although it has taken me some time to recognize them. My main values are focused around living, loving and learning. The things I value most about myself are my self-determination, honesty, loyalty, and passion. I value personal fulfillment, family and friends, health, education and humor. I ‘ve been told by others that I ‘m honest and trustworthy.

    They know they can ask me anything and they will get a truthful, honest answer. My friends and family often count on me for support and guidance as I ‘m rational and tend to see the whole picture. I ‘ve also been told that I ‘m a team player and a good listener. I make decisions in my life based on my values and what drives me and lifts others up. My actions reflect my core values. For example, I became a nurse because it affords me the ability to heal, support, and teach patients and families in their weakest moments.

    I receive personal fulfillment in nursing. I am a mother because it gives my life purpose and meaning. Motherhood is the hardest, but…

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Self Reflection And Self Awareness Essay. (2019, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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