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    School versus College Education

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    The majority of students in today’s colleges are busy going to parties and shooting the bull with their friends that they often make time for school work. In high school, though, teachers are constantly checking up on the student to ensure they are completing the class assignments. Even then, some students fail so when they are enrolled in college, the experience will be more difficult since the teacher is not babying them anymore. Most college professors do not care if the leaner fails; the grade is completely up to the student. High school and college are different in two main ways: college is less restricted and the students are responsible for their own actions while high school is regulated and has more rules.

    College is a work-at-one’s-own-pace type of style. The college atmosphere can be exciting or it can turn out to be the worst experience of a person’s life. Going to school to receive a higher education is such an accomplishment and an honor. This takes time and tons of money to obtain that degree. Therefore, the student must know what she wants to do as her career in order to apply for college. Once she has her schedule and enrolled in classes, she is on her own. Professors will not check the students’ grades daily and send home warning slips to the parents if the grade falls below passing. They are no longer a high school student so they have more responsibility. For example, if the student has a computer class and the tasks are due every Thursday, she is accountable, on her own time, to submit the coursework. The instructor will not make sure the pupil has completed or not the classwork; he will simply mark a zero in the gradebook and move on to the next student. The college environment is an amazing experience if the student knows how to control and manage their time wisely.

    On the other hand, high school is structured and ran by the state. Thus, having many rules and guardrails on the students, teachers, and workplace. One example includes a specific dress code. Principals and administrations of certain schools regulate the way the students dress where the learning environment is safer. Most young female teenagers want to always wear shorts or yoga pants. Often times, the females wear short shirts, also known as crop tops, with these shorts and tight pants revealing obscure or distractive material. Males’ line of vision might wander because of what females wear. Therefore, making classrooms extremely difficult for some students to learn. Furthermore, schools have prompted some codes to where the student always has heir belt line showing in case of carrying a firearm. More children are bringing handguns to school which scares an ample amount of people daily. To reduce this, dress codes were simply set in stone. Another example is U.I.L regulations in sports. In softball, for instance, the coach cannot have team practices until the official season has started in the spring of February. The team can gather together to hold practices but the coach can not be present. Also, during the regular season, only two tournaments are allowed each season with having the maximum of three games per day. For tournaments, one shall not be held on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday unless school is not in session. If a two-day tournament were to occur, it can not be scheduled on Thursday and Friday. High school and U.I.L rules coincide with each other to where it is nearly impossible to have any leeway with the students.

    In brief, colleges and high schools guide their students differently from one another. Paid educational facilities give the enrollee an advantage considering the student has more accountability than high school students. Therefore, they will demonstrate academic integrity and honesty; whereas in high school this is less practiced. Although, educators nowadays are attempting to prepare their pupils for the next stage of their lives. While teenagers are struggling to complete high school, they also have to worry about constant commandments that are carried out within their everyday-lives. High school is a place where young people receive their diploma and successfully graduate; this is not easily accomplished without careful guidelines from the first day of freshman year to the last day when they walk across the stage.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    School versus College Education. (2021, Aug 19). Retrieved from

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