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    Same Sex Marriage Legalization (1028 words)

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    The modern society is facing a never-ending debate on whether same-sex marriage, couple registration and adopted children should be accepted in society. As the time progressed, many things have been evolved, whether homes, people, or even perceptions. People have started to change the old stereotypes to be more equal and positive toward society. Unfortunately, some people still adhere to the same old values and do not even develop in the era that everything has been progressed. It is obvious that there are many different perspectives on this issue in both support and opposed it.

    Personally, I do accept those regulations and pleased with them without any hesitation in order to provide equality toward same-sex unions. Marriage should not be defined as only a connection between male and female, but it is between two people that love each other and willing to live together no matter what gender is. Moreover, it is an inevitability and a human right of a person to have an ability to be free to express their sexuality and their feeling as straight genders do. Since there are a number of incidents that homosexuals have been discriminated and committed a crime against over decades, legalizing same-sex marriage can reduce violent practices against homosexuals.

    If governments make it officially, it will give the confirmation that LGBT couples are accepted not only by society but also the state, and they will be protected under the regulation. Along with the marriage, same-sex couples should have access to the same benefits as heterosexual married couples which are providing equal rights and legal benefits. These would be very helpful in protecting the rights of same-sex couples in terms of finance, inheritance and medical decisions (Blackford, 2017). Thus, denying the opportunity for LGBT couples to marry and the right to access their civil usefulness can invent many challenges in society. Same-sex marriage is one of a civil right, so that is why marriage equality is so important. Homosexual people should be offered the opportunity to live with each other legally and enjoy the associated benefits as heterosexual couples have.

    The next positive step that should be considered is to allow same-sex couples to raise children by adoption or getting a surrogate mother, and I believe that same-sex parents can do as well as straight parents. Some might be against due to the claim that it might affect children’s mental health. The studies of Melbourne University demonstrated and proved that children living with LGBT parents are not disability than those with straight parents (Davies, 2017). Moreover, Elton John is only some example of a homosexual person who has completely succeeded in having a happy family life with his husband and two children (Shahid, 2018).

    Also, adoptions rates would increase and less orphaned children because when LGBT parents have to consider carefully and be ready before determining to receive one, so it is better than some who are unwanted pregnancy and not ready. Marriage provides much more stability for parents, protects the rights of parents and provides children a psychological stability; hence, the only thing that matters and affects children ability and development is the love and care from the parents, not the gender.

    Currently, same-sex marriage is already legalized in more than 30 countries around the world which are more apparent in European countries (IOL, 2017). It has expanded from the Europeans countries to other regions, including in Asia and stepping closer to Thailand. However, there are controversies that mostly involves the immorality and unnatural nature marriage of homosexual that supported by religious beliefs and teachings. When it involves to a religion, it is undeniable that most Thais are generally conservative and depend much on their ancestor beliefs, but indeed, it depends on who you talk to because not all people will be like that.

    As a Thai citizen and a Buddhist, I have never seen or heard religious teachings people in sexual orientation and the Buddha has never forbidden a relation of same-sex people. Buddha had proclaimed again and again that the Buddha was born in the world for the good and the happiness of many people, from mercy to the world for the sake of the good and for the happiness of God, self and mankind (Chamarik, 2014). Additionally, I have raised with the teachings of my parents that everyone is born equal, so respect for others and yourself is important to living a fulfilling life, but do not overwhelm others for any happiness.

    In this regard, my parents do not feel that it will destroy or affect our cultures and traditions. As they say “Homosexuals are people like us, so we do not see any strange in marriage and do a ceremony same as heterosexual marriage, and no matter genders or appearances a person is, significant things are to be a good person, love family and hard-working”. There are a lot of people waiting for the congratulations, so the strange is some having an unhealthy thought on this beautiful ceremony. All in all, LGBT people should be afforded their rights and equality in the society within legal protection. A person who is born to be a homosexual, they cannot do anything, and it is unchangeable.

    It is not their choice to be homosexual, and it is prejudiced to treat them differently from others. Therefore, the important things are advocating, giving education and broaden a good image and positive mindset on homosexual toward society. Fortunately, things are changing for the better since the decriminalization for a same-sex community of many countries throughout the world, the coming out of many popular and esteemed public figures, and the positive depiction of homosexuals in the media, are now changing the perception of homosexuals.

    These powers lead other countries and regions starting to have movement and will continue to progress to be better in the future. I always realize that being straight gives me the privilege to hold it in thought and do justice in life, and I want the same thing for couples on the basis of being of the same-sex. Eventually, regardless of race, skin, gender and any stereotype, everyone is all the same humankind and has the right to do things which make our life fulfillment.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Same Sex Marriage Legalization (1028 words). (2021, Apr 20). Retrieved from

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