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    Rules in Basketball (641 words)

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    Why Shooting Is the Most Important Thing in Basketball?

    Shooting is definitely the most important thing in basketball. Why? Because when there’s no time left for the players to play, the team with the higher score is declared as the winner of the game or vise-versa. Ball movement, proper execution of plays, moving with-out the ball, and playing defense are also important. Therefore, very team will perform those fundamental skills just to have a space and to shoot the ball.

    On the other hand, some will say defense is the most important thing, but a plain defense can’t win a game all alone, for example Team A is performing a tight defense for Team B because Team A are maybe down by one possession lead or more, but if we will going to think about it, Team A will do this to STOP Team B from SHOOTING, or in other words in adding more in their lead. Scores are get through shooting and that’s why the most important thing in basketball. The goal of every team.

    In What Situation Do Free-Throws Takes Place or Given?

    Free throws are non-opposed attempts to shoot the ball to the rim from behind the free throw line. Free-throw are commonly awarded when a player on a team is fouled by another player in the opposing team whether he/she miss or deliver the shot. The player which is fouled will receive two or three free-throws depending on the shot made. Another situation is when the team is on the penalty situation. Penalty situation is when the team reaches a total number of allowed fouls per quarter.

    If there’s a case where the player who is fouled is injured, and cannot shoot the free throws, the offensive team may choose any player from the team to take the shot. Also, if the team shows poor ethics inside the court, or commits a technical violation( delay of game, calling a time-out if there’s no time out left for the team, or no other eligible player on the team to play after a fouled-out) the team may get charged with a more serious foul called technical foul. A Technical Foul will result into one free-throw shot.

    What Is the Purpose of Calling a Time-Out?

    Time-outs are a crucial part or decision making in a basketball game. Every coach on a team must know the right timing and the right purpose to call a time-out for the team success. One of the best purpose of a time-out is TO stop the momentum of the other team (and the crowd). This time-out will aim to stop the run of an opposing team if they make every shot they attempt. This is a very crucial call because more delay might cause a huge lead to the team.

    Another purpose is TO change the game strategy of the team. For example, the team is playing the zone press, but this strategy is not working, so you decided to change to man-to-man defense. TO draw up a specific play is also best purpose of calling a time-out. This time-out is commonly seen at the last three minutes of the game of the last quarter. It can be called as the game-changing time-out because it can change the phase or the result of the game.

    This is the most crucial call for every coach in a team. Some other reasons in calling a time-out is to give the time to rest for the players with-out substituting. This call will fuel the player or the ace of the team to perform more efficiently. And lastly is To fire up the team. This call will encourage the team to perform more and be motivated to strongly finish the game with confidence with every play, and every shot they made.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Rules in Basketball (641 words). (2021, Sep 29). Retrieved from

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