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    Rough Draft K.V. Short Stories Essay

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    English 2A Period 3

    10 October 2003

    The use of satire is a form of humor incorporated for serious problem of the modern society. The author Kurt Vonnegut is prominent for his use of outlandish scenarios for societys ideal living conditions in his short narratives. In the yarn Harrison Bergeron he portrays society with all egalitarianism. Also the story Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow people in society hanker after prolonged existence, so he comes about the remedy to their desires. As a result of his use of satire Vonnegut is able to demonstrate droll situations for the contemplating considerations of individuals in society.

    Prevailing society covet equality throughout the world; in Harrison Bergeron, Vonnegut presents what life would be like if there is parity throughout society. Hence, everybody was finally equalequal in every which way.(1) Admittedly this is indicating that society is mediocre, however we are all equal. Moreover this jovial assumption denoting by society is ludicrous to contemplate about. Also Georges intelligence was above normal, he had a mental handicapevery 20 seconds transmitters would send out some sharp noise to keep people from taking unfair advantage of their brains.(1) In deed in reality society aspires for people to utilize their brains and


    accomplish something in life.

    Thus placing a device on someone to subordinate his or her aptitude is bizarre. If there is total parity we must force everyone down to the mundane

    thought process. An example of this is Gee I could tell that one was a dozy You could say that again Gee I could tell that one was a dozy.(4) Only an obtuse thinking person would repeat what they riposted. However the individuals of society necessitate for total parity, so to attain that ambition we must sloop down to an average state of mind.

    Also the individuals of society pronounce that they yearn for the concept of longevity; in Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, Vonnegut conveys what people would stumble upon if there was a probability for selective death.

    Consequently Iowa maybe? Well who wants to live on the outskirts of Chicago? (115) This statement is signifying that we are so over populated that we had to extend the state borders, so now Iowa borders Chicago. Moreover,Sometimes I wish that theyd left a couple of diseases kicking around somewhere (115) Implying that scientist will panacea the ailments. In present day with our prevailing expertise we still cannot alleviate most diseases. In addition he implies that the population consumes all the natural resources stating before they used up all the raw materials.(116) It is virtually unfeasible to utilize all the raw materials because studies confirm we have an adequate amount of materials for a sustained time.

    In conclusion Vonnegut is biased towards alluring his audience with satire ideas.

    In Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow he acknowledges peoples initiative to envisage the flip side of prolonged existence. Also in Harrison Bergeron he portrays


    what culture would be like if there was unmitigated parity. However he still implicates a jocular contort to his narratives. .

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    Rough Draft K.V. Short Stories Essay. (2019, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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