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    Resplendent Rivendel Essay (649 words)

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    Imagine a world of such serenity where you have no enmity and worries, but how to enjoy your life to the endless boundary. A land of such astounding, imperial beauty that makes you wants to pinch yourself, yet you dare not to for the fear of losing a splendid moment. Unimaginable beauty of peacefulness, yet stunning of its solemnity, we are in Rivendel, the Elvin city, where everyone’s fantasies lie. Every step, beautiful colored leaves cushion your feet and create a delicate sound of a person gently biting in to golden brown, delicious potato chips.

    All around you, under the pleasant sunlight, the warmth surrounds your body, gently ameliorating your troubles and pain, and slowly pacifying your turbulent mind. The wind swiftly sprints toward you, splits upon the very tip of your nose and flutters your hair that ferociously fought for its independence. The chill of the autumn air swirling around your ear slowly promises your brain of the traitorous, humid summer day’s closure. No matter what atrocities exist in the world, the trees, neutralized in quiescence, continue on with their life.

    Slowly shedding their old, worn out coat, they watch as leaves glide down to the ground, slicing through the air. Sometimes they did flips or spins until they finally bowed for applause on the ground like a masterful ballet dancer. On the other side, as to ambitiously compete with its idealistic beauty, the forceful water, rushing through the river like a bright, white stallion drops as the rainbow colors reflect upon every droplet. The bubbles launch up to the surface of the well, exploding in rhythmic harmony. The soothing mist fills the atmosphere.

    Smoothly colliding on to your skin, they moisturize your body delicately, like a feast after a famine. Its marvelous clarity refreshes your mind, like a rain in a fiery summer day. Do you wander what it’s like to live here, as an elf? Elves are handsome, admirable creatures. Their silvery hair flawlessly comes down to their shoulders, lustrous as a gleaming, full moon, as to show the conscientiousness in resemblance. Yet, their eyes, pair of polished emeralds and sapphires show only a taste of their mysterious, impenetrable ingenuity.

    Anyone who stares into them falls into the immense depth of clarity, until they finally swim out from the exquisite, dream-like ocean. Behind the radiance of their aura, two pointy years, in full appearance shows their necessary belligerence, in their nature of survival. During the silent nights when the moonlight quietly sneaks into the murky, nebulous woods as to expose the hidden life unknown, the elves wander around unnoticed under the cover of darkness. A person cannot possibly describe its hidden energy beneath every walls of such artistry.

    Under the roof of a building, the walls mollify your troubled mind of the past, reflecting sorrow, and agony like blocking pop-ups on your computer screen. Made of the grandest white, marbles of the mountains, it gleams in the day, as the sunlight penetrates through the leaves, softly echoing off the buildings. Every detail, every decoration, and every piece form buildings, bridges or gates, and by one look, its valiant appearance melts in to your vein and triggers a shiver. It triggers not a normal shiver, but a kind you experience by true, astounding gratefulness that you want to thank someone for a such valuable experience.

    The air is full of fervent romance that it’s almost palpable to the grasp of your hand. Indescribable attractiveness of the Mother Nature uplifts the spirits of anyone who wanders beyond their imagination. I slowly closed the book, dazzled, and envisioned the city of my dreams, and perhaps even better, beyond any happiness and pleasure. For one breathless moment, I ran over the beautiful leaves, leaned against the tall, strong trees, breathed in the romance, and finally drifted away to fantasy, until the last glimpse of brilliance diminished beyond recall or desire.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Resplendent Rivendel Essay (649 words). (2018, Apr 30). Retrieved from

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